All that loving just for Mincheol to turn into the fattest prick and asshole on earth ?? Wow could’ve fooled me, no wonder Na Hae-soo can’t really bring herself to loathe him that much, he worked his ass off to get her a phone just so he could have her phone number. That’s one of the most romantic things you could do to sway a girl. So what the fuck is he doing ??? Growing old makes you stupid ??

the prince’s hypocrisy makes me crazy, like i know he was drugged with love potion i guess but damn ?? “you say you love but you didn’t come back to me remi” BITCH ARE YOU DELUSIONAL? LMAO

he wasn't actually drugged with a love potion though, it's actually a spell that makes one comfortable with someone....pina didn't make them love her she just made them comfortable around her, also the prince wasn't even planning to call off the engagement he just wanted to feed his ego that emi was beneath him and expected her to apologize and go back to him that's why he thinks like that...but since emi never apologized he was forced to call off the engagement to not embarrass himself and to stay with his delusion that he was right and she was wrong. Remi even stated that the potion wouldn't have worked if only they believed in emi like how the queen was never under the influence of it since she never liked pina and always wanted emi to be her daughter.
dehydrated as fuck piss