Why isn't this a harem ( ̄へ ̄)everyone is willing to share except cai...

I agree this would make the perfect reverse harem. I definitely would love Cai, Calef, and Lukia (he's my fav.) but wouldn't the demon kingdom be stronger if instead of the sacrificial bride, I know it would be extreme, but a demon queen with her powers being able to protect her and grow her husband(s) powers? There's far too many brothers trying to eliminate one another, I'd rather have more brothers working together. Maybe another force like demon hunters could cause some family bonding.

This was wiiiiild. Idk if I'm satisfied with the ending or not (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I feel like with stories like these authors limit human possibility. They give us some credit and then in the end paint us as a species that never learns from its mistakes creating a repetitive cycle.
I would've preferred to see an evolution of the mind, of action and growth for the species as a whole. Us mimicking the aliens and maybe showing how we're not greedy and can be trusted, building our own utopia of sorts to create allies. We're obv on the same path since were creating artificial meat, protecting certain species, and growing towards more peaceful means (I hope). I wish there was more hope, forward thinking, and setting aside our more violent tendencies in exchange for empathy (high eq). Yes there are extremists in every society but this one just felt like that's what they were heading towards once again...
Plus it was pretty quick for society to invade the "the gate" and disease to spread to every alien considering humans only occupied 1% of the earth. And soon after the world went back to a similar state of society as if its been decades to reestablish some form of order. Ppl are living "normally" considering the horror and lies everyone had just endured, bullying, taste score mentality, little care for life...like are there massive programs for therapy?
Did they take over the futuristic society inhabited by the aliens? Did any manage to leave the planet? Also was not expecting the almost hollow earth, more land beyond the walls parallel type deal with "the gate". I have so many questions And feelings of dissatisfaction. ( ̄へ ̄)

It actually seems pretty weird they've gone back to 9 to 5 jobs like that. If they are 1% of the earth, it would make sense they get annihilated by the rest of those aliens but they live like normal? And for such and advanced society, they didn't even have vaccines for potential diseases that might plague the earth? I'm starting to think they killed like a little village and still live in a bubble

This is good and I like their development, they're super cute. The seme though, it feels like his personality is a complete 180. He's like full on puppy seme, golden retriever vibes. Which isn't bad it just doesn't feel like the same guy since he's not even mean to other people, its like he's completely adopted his mask persona from the beginning. He's a teddy bear now..to like everyone.
I don't want him to be mean to the Mac tho, that's not what I'm saying, he just doesn't feel like the same char which is maybe the irony for mc. Since he's into mean dudes its funny that his bf is super sweet now. Idk just me but I was wondering if anyone felt the same.

I feel like the golden retriever puppy vibe is his actual personality. I don't remember clearly cause it's been a while, but wasn't he threatening those guys because of something related to his family? So I think he gets mean and defensive when it's related to his family, but that isn't his actual personality. And also I thought the mc didn't like him because he was boring, not because he was nice. And when the mc saw him have another side it perked his interest

I get that they've never been with a man but no brainpower to see "ah sticking this in dry seems to hurt. Oh wow is there supposed to be blood."?? Bro shoved that in and i winced, had some phantom pain. I swear authors be using the dry insert causes blood coupled with "you're so wet"/blush filled faces to give "vigin woman with blood = first time" vibes but yaoi edition. Feel so bad for seonho, and hes the hottest one here tbh. Love when the bottom is actually manly or not completely fem. I forgot how much this author is so polarizing between series. One was cute the other traumatizing.
How cruel. She's "feeding" them all, but isn't loving them as she would Levi. Its kinda doomed romance and gosh Frederick broke me with his love realization scene and then the death scene. I wish it were more of an actual harem then this one sided unrequited live. Don't get me wrong, their relationship is cute (Levi & Stella) but I just feel so bad for this eternity of closed off removed from society isolation setup they got going. Just think about only knowing 5ppl and 2 of them have this whole lovey dovey relationship and you're sitting there eating one partners hair while she goes back to make out and possibly more with the other guy! Its just lonely. May they find love of their own cause this is depressing.