Did not expect that dark background for seaven and eight, I wanna be violent to their dad! And then to go and say "You couldve said no" bish what. Give him the chair. Im still a bit confused about how it got resolved, i wasnt able to follow along towards the end all i could think was, destroy the dad!!

Soooo they weren't actually related and he planned it all out to get neul to feel forced to stick by him for his "brother" ...that sucks. Really wish nuel would've killed him or ran away. The whole time I was hoping this would get better and instead it just made me feel worse and worse. Poor nuel #-.-)

Perfect representation for domestic violence, gaslighting, coercion, narcissism, psychopathy or sociopathy, brainwashing, financial abuse.
Honestly should be shared and given to study as a warning to everyone entering relationships. It's an ok story, it really just revolves around mc slowly becoming solely reliant on ml in order to find a semblance of normalcy in fear of either debt or violence to him and his family. Every chapter is him learning what triggers ml in order to not make him angry and hopefully pay his bills/not kill him. Smut is average.
I'm glad this is under the horror tag cause every second of this relationship has me on edge and in fear for the mc. I hope everything works out and he escapes, cause bro is going to have some strong dependency and PTSD. But we all know he most likely won't.
It's a binge read type.