and the whole time i want leo and tanaka to get married a dreammm their dynamic would be so cute
why must this end???!!! no nooo come back to me my j.leo
i just want to read bout their domestic loveydovey life my cutieees
just look at them mi bebes
im on my knees
like im srs i dont like him at all no momo pls
so now i will choose myself and let this marinate first, cause nononoooooooooo TT i do not want to rot and just cry again
if ever that sperm donor wil have a sad backstory or redemption arc or something, i will be the first to skip that chapters i just want him to die and the mc live a happy life forever
i dont want this to end TT another volume plsplsplsss
*rolled my eyes* yeah right, his father did not even treasure him since the day he was born?
and the whole time i want leo and tanaka to get married a dreammm their dynamic would be so cute