Kyuu May 16, 2021 6:01 am

There are no words in the English language to describe how much I love isogai.

Kyuu May 14, 2021 6:04 pm

People are actually defending google translations? like damn, this is why actual groups that put effort and work disband.
This is also a work that won’t be touched by them and we’re left with shitty translations forever.

I can’t grasp it man, you’re literally the reason we can’t have nice things.

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 6:12 pm

    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. What's the problem with that?? I don't understand. Google translate isn't good or accurate sure, but when literally no one else was touching it, it's better than nothing???

    Heyaheya May 14, 2021 6:29 pm
    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. W... Suisalty

    I'm sorry people are being this rude to you. Thank you so much for picking it up and translation was pretty good. Sending Lots of hugs to you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Roxy May 14, 2021 6:35 pm
    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. W... Suisalty

    Lol why are people complaining, I didn’t even notice anything wrong with the translations. Maybe I’m just an idiota but the translations were fine to me. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:23 pm
    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. W... Suisalty

    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.
    I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.

    If we get to this level I might as well just read raws with my phone and auto translate, same result.

    YAYAYA May 14, 2021 7:26 pm
    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.If we get to this level I might as well just read... Kyuu

    then go read the raws with auto translate and let us enjoy suisalty's efforts

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:27 pm
    then go read the raws with auto translate and let us enjoy suisalty's efforts YAYAYA

    Afafaggaga what a way to miss the point.
    Which is precisely this, because of people like you, we’re stuck with trash.

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 7:35 pm
    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.If we get to this level I might as well just read... Kyuu

    Then don't read it? What is the point of spreading hate like this? No one was going to pick it up and others are still completely free to if they want to give a proper translation. I waited over a year before I picked up the 5th chapter and it's been almost a year since even that and no one else has come to translate it, so I'm going to finish the translation for those who want it. You clearly haven't read some of the other translations on this site because at least I do the best I can to make everything make sense, there are so many translations on here that don't make any sense at all, but even those have effort put into them and good intention behind them most of the time. After 2 years I think it's pretty safe to say that no one is going to properly pick up this manga, so you can just go ahead and not read it if a Google/bing translation is so horrible to you.

    YAYAYA May 14, 2021 7:35 pm
    Afafaggaga what a way to miss the point. Which is precisely this, because of people like you, we’re stuck with trash. Kyuu

    im not missing the point im just saying that if you're not satisfied you can always look elsewhere and find what's good for you. but being rude to someone trying their best is just uselessly mean and that kind of negativity and ungrateful attitude is the actual reason ppl give up on translating mangas

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:52 pm
    im not missing the point im just saying that if you're not satisfied you can always look elsewhere and find what's good for you. but being rude to someone trying their best is just uselessly mean and that kind ... YAYAYA

    Like how good groups that put effort and time give up on mangas cause you guys keep praising this no effort bullshit?
    Which is a lot worse.

    I honestly don’t care if shitty translations disappear, they should, and they should stop cheapening the work and effort of good translators.

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 7:54 pm
    Afafaggaga what a way to miss the point. Which is precisely this, because of people like you, we’re stuck with trash. Kyuu

    I mean you’re kinda trash period so it might be that’s what you’re smelling cuz this translation seemed ok to me

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:56 pm
    I mean you’re kinda trash period so it might be that’s what you’re smelling cuz this translation seemed ok to me Nacho mama

    Damn what a compelling argument full of actual statements that have to do with the discussion at hand you sure showed me and not came out looking like a 5 year old moron

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 7:57 pm
    Like how good groups that put effort and time give up on mangas cause you guys keep praising this no effort bullshit? Which is a lot worse. I honestly don’t care if shitty translations disappear, they should,... Kyuu

    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the raws are available here, so I did what I could so that I could read the rest of the story and so I could share it with others. There was then a whole nother year gap between then and now for someone to pick it up, but they didn't. You're being an asshole to the wrong people, this negativity is unecessary. I've done nothing wrong, how can I cheapen the work of good translators if there are none working on this manga? This takes time and effort as well, and though it is nowhere near as difficult as a proper translation, there is no one translating it properly and that is not my fault. That was the case before I came along. Go be an asshole somewhere else.

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:02 pm
    Damn what a compelling argument full of actual statements that have to do with the discussion at hand you sure showed me and not came out looking like a 5 year old moron Kyuu

    ur welcome my dude glad it was informative cuz you really seemed unaware

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:04 pm
    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the... Suisalty

    Bruh don’t waste your time. Assholes like these are like roaches. They just never go away and they thrive hiding in the dark. Don’t even bother worrying about it. Plenty of people appreciate. Dickheads like this can bitch all they want but they’re just lazy and entitled

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:04 pm
    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the... Suisalty

    Wow you sure did a 180 from feeling you bad cause people were mean to just pure salt.
    You can post whatever the fuck you want but if you out your work out there people have the right to criticize it.

    Again, I would rather wait for good translations even if they take more than a year than this. To me this is just throwing that possibility to the trash. Thanks for that btw.
    Plus it encourages this google translate shit even more so yes, my point stands, good groups that actually out time and effort to do good work end up getting discouraged because of shit like this.

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:06 pm
    Bruh don’t waste your time. Assholes like these are like roaches. They just never go away and they thrive hiding in the dark. Don’t even bother worrying about it. Plenty of people appreciate. Dickheads like... Nacho mama

    Then stop wasting your time with this roach and leave.
    You guys keep throwing insults but no arguments like that makes you automatically correct.

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:07 pm
    Then stop wasting your time with this roach and leave.You guys keep throwing insults but no arguments like that makes you automatically correct. Kyuu

    no point trying to reason with someone who lacks braincella

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:08 pm
    no point trying to reason with someone who lacks braincella Nacho mama

    Damn another not argument, that’s 3 strikes already you’re sure showing those brain cells of yours.

    Otaku May 14, 2021 8:09 pm
    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.If we get to this level I might as well just read... Kyuu

    Respectfully, shut up.

    amimie May 14, 2021 8:09 pm
    Then don't read it? What is the point of spreading hate like this? No one was going to pick it up and others are still completely free to if they want to give a proper translation. I waited over a year before I... Suisalty

    I get what Kyuu's getting on, and I agree with him on the idea. It's much more evident in manhwa, manhua and lengthy manga. Where you get a bad translation of a chapter. And then there is a good group that will pick it up, but he won't redo the bad chapters and we're stuck with them... é_è
    That's really said. :'))

    But as I said, "bad translation" and not google translation. Because, obviously google translation aren't all that bad, especially when the translator put in the effort. And when he's stuck on a sentence, he takes the time to look it up in the net, ask people for help and all...
    (btw, is a really good tool to dissect the sentences in order to better understand them).

    What I call a bad translation is when the person doesn't make the effort and simply writes a side note: "I don't get this at all". x) and moves on. That's just called a half assed job. There's always a way. And I talk from experience... What I do most of the time is joining a scan group and trying my luck, asking them for a little help. (Just a little help, like one or two sentences that don't make any sense to me... not the whole chapter... x))

    I wanted to tell you that you mostly did a great job, and I'll be here to read the rest of your translation. :3
    I hope you know that I'm not trying to criticize you but give you some tips and advice.

    I also want to tell Kyuu that the translation is really not bad, I mean the meaning is there, and that's what's most important.
    It's just a little rough and sounds unnatural sometimes, like "It's THE physiological response" >> "It's A physiological reaction?" but it's not really that important, at least for me. ;p

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:12 pm
    Damn another not argument, that’s 3 strikes already you’re sure showing those brain cells of yours. Kyuu

    Thanks for the vote of confidence! It means nothing coming from an idiot like you have fun being a miserable whiny human

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:13 pm
    I get what Kyuu's getting on, and I agree with him on the idea. It's much more evident in manhwa, manhua and lengthy manga. Where you get a bad translation of a chapter. And then there is a good group that will... amimie

    You’re precious (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
    I wasn’t particularly criticizing this translation in particular (still not gonna say it’s good) but the whole google translate shit, which you understood.
    What a breeze if fresh air this post was.

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 8:15 pm
    I get what Kyuu's getting on, and I agree with him on the idea. It's much more evident in manhwa, manhua and lengthy manga. Where you get a bad translation of a chapter. And then there is a good group that will... amimie

    I totally get it, and I understand the issue that they're talking about (people just dropping in with shit translations with no notice to the scanlators that were already doing it fine) and I agree that it's a really awful thing when it happens and it really does take away from the groups translating it, which is why I tried to make it clear that that wasn't what I was doing since it was already dropped with no signs of being picked back up. Thank you for being respectful in your response also, and I'll do the best I can to improve the quality of my translation in the future. I appreciate the tips :)

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 8:20 pm
    You’re precious (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜I wasn’t particularly criticizing this translation in particular (still not gonna say it’s good) but the whole google translate shit, which you understood. What a breeze i... Kyuu

    If you weren't trying to criticize my translation in particular then why didn't you say that from the get go? I understand and I believe I agree with your base point, but to me it came off as if you were just trying to insult me and anyone who ever tries to continue a dropped series. The problem is more prominent elsewhere and your criticism would have likely been more in place under one of those series I think? I mean no disrespect of course, I truly do not mean to come off as rude. I am aware my translation isn't good by the way, but for many people, it is better than nothing, and I think it's unfair for you to dismiss the majority simply because you're angry about an issue that scarcely applies in this situation

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:32 pm
    If you weren't trying to criticize my translation in particular then why didn't you say that from the get go? I understand and I believe I agree with your base point, but to me it came off as if you were just t... Suisalty

    Backread, i never insulted this translation. At most I said people are allowed to criticize it.

    You just took it personal.
    I did come off as rude, I tend to type on the rude side but I’m never directly offensive until people insult me at least twice.

    I do believe you doing this promotes the problem, so, idk, we were having a discussion based on that. I truly believe and would prefer things to stay dropped than google translated for the reasons I already stated, it’s part of a bigger problem.

    amimie May 14, 2021 8:33 pm
    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the... Suisalty

    I hope this all don't discourage you, but let's you improve instead. ^^ That way, no one will be able to criticize you in the future! ;)

    amimie May 14, 2021 8:42 pm
    Backread, i never insulted this translation. At most I said people are allowed to criticize it.You just took it personal.I did come off as rude, I tend to type on the rude side but I’m never directly offensiv... Kyuu

    I get the point, it's not to rip of the translation of a scanlation group that's working on the project, but preventing any potential one.

    Still, I believe that a google translation that's well done, (meaning the translor himself understands what he's translating.. :') isn't really a bad thing.
    I can see that Suisalty really put in the effort, and even if it's a bit lacking, I believe she/he (sorry idk) will surely improve in the future. ^^

    amimie May 14, 2021 8:45 pm
    Backread, i never insulted this translation. At most I said people are allowed to criticize it.You just took it personal.I did come off as rude, I tend to type on the rude side but I’m never directly offensiv... Kyuu

    It's true they were pretty harsh to you, and you got a bit defensive.
    That's all okay.
    I believe that you aren't just trying to spread hate. You just got you own opinions and are free to voice them. You provided those with arguments, and it was all good.

    So make peace everyone! :3

    amimie May 14, 2021 8:54 pm
    If you weren't trying to criticize my translation in particular then why didn't you say that from the get go? I understand and I believe I agree with your base point, but to me it came off as if you were just t... Suisalty

    Another tip, before I forget, you can look up translations in other languages, especially spanish, french... and other languages with latin origins since the structure of the sentence will be very similar, and the google translation better. That way it'll help you better understand it. Even russian is easier to translate...

    I only said to do that to help yourself a bit, you should always go back to the original japanese version to verify the meaning. Sometimes, even foreign translators can make mistakes... ^^'

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 9:26 pm
    Another tip, before I forget, you can look up translations in other languages, especially spanish, french... and other languages with latin origins since the structure of the sentence will be very similar, and ... amimie

    I appreciate it a lot, thank you!

    chichi May 15, 2021 6:02 am

    shut up and be fucking grateful that their translating this on an illegal website. ofc no one will have perfect scanlations

    YAYAYA May 15, 2021 7:48 am
    Like how good groups that put effort and time give up on mangas cause you guys keep praising this no effort bullshit? Which is a lot worse. I honestly don’t care if shitty translations disappear, they should,... Kyuu

    you do realise that getting a whole ass manga for free is already incredible? if you're that pissed then go ahead and buy it legally and move on with you shitty life

    Kyuu May 15, 2021 8:41 am
    It's true they were pretty harsh to you, and you got a bit defensive.That's all okay.I believe that you aren't just trying to spread hate. You just got you own opinions and are free to voice them. You provided ... amimie

    You’re too precious for this hellhole of a site (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Pppoopoo May 15, 2021 1:47 pm

    you think you have the rights to complain when youre reading in an illegal site.stfu and buy the manga itself if you have time to laze around bashing other people you ungrateful piece of swine.

    Kyuu May 15, 2021 4:58 pm
    you think you have the rights to complain when youre reading in an illegal site.stfu and buy the manga itself if you have time to laze around bashing other people you ungrateful piece of swine. Pppoopoo

    I don’t think you have the right to come and diss on me cause you mad and need to take it out on someone but here we are buddy.
    Read the thread, discussion is over.

Kyuu May 14, 2021 1:42 am

Wow this uploader just said everyone shut the fuck up here’s your manga and damn, respect.

Kyuu May 13, 2021 8:40 am

Like honestly uploader, i don’t wanna beat a dead horse but what did you expect?
The notice was unneeded, it’s just narcissism, and then it’s not even your translation, you’re just stealing from other group?

I feel bad you’re getting hate but it was extremely obvious it was gonna happen.

    thebae May 13, 2021 8:49 am

    how is it narcissistic???

    Kyuu May 13, 2021 8:56 am
    how is it narcissistic??? thebae

    just fucking upload or don’t, we don’t need your life story.

    LazyParrot May 13, 2021 10:42 am

    You got some issues. That's all I will say.

    mmmm May 13, 2021 11:38 am
    MY UPLOAD! MY MANGA! ME ME ME just fucking upload or don’t, we don’t need your life story. Kyuu

    That's not narcissism, that's called claiming your work so others don't steal it :/

    LazyParrot May 13, 2021 11:54 am
    That's not narcissism, that's called claiming your work so others don't steal it :/ mmmm

    Well, the poster just sounded a ten year old trying to be a smart-ass. Kids should just enjoy their childhood rather than reading about two highschool boys kissing and having sex. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    mmmm May 13, 2021 1:25 pm
    Well, the poster just sounded a ten year old trying to be a smart-ass. Kids should just enjoy their childhood rather than reading about two highschool boys kissing and having sex. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ LazyParrot

    1. No, no it did not sound like a 10-year-old. I'd say you're just deluding yourself.
    2. Still wasn't narcissism though ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    mmmm May 13, 2021 1:27 pm
    Well, the poster just sounded a ten year old trying to be a smart-ass. Kids should just enjoy their childhood rather than reading about two highschool boys kissing and having sex. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ LazyParrot

    But yeah, I agree with you on the fact that kids should not be reading this type of content and that they should be going off, enjoying their childhood properly instead.

    Kyuu May 13, 2021 4:16 pm
    That's not narcissism, that's called claiming your work so others don't steal it :/ mmmm

    Like the uploader stole the translation?
    Damn you guys are super big hypocrites.

    Also wanna call out the fact that the uploader quit cause there’s like 3 bad comments?
    And then cried about it so people could come and suck her edick, nah this person is super narcissistic you guys just can’t or don’t want to see it cause you wanna play hero.
    You’re being dumb.

    thebae May 13, 2021 5:26 pm
    MY UPLOAD! MY MANGA! ME ME ME just fucking upload or don’t, we don’t need your life story. Kyuu

    ..bestie we got sum to tell you

    mmmm May 14, 2021 5:30 am
    Like the uploader stole the translation? Damn you guys are super big hypocrites.Also wanna call out the fact that the uploader quit cause there’s like 3 bad comments?And then cried about it so people could co... Kyuu

    It's still not narcissism you dumb fuck.
    If you don't understand what narcissism is, don't fucking label people with it. You're making a fool of yourself.

    And what do you mean "like 3 bad comments"? If there were only three comments or so disregarding their efforts, they wouldn't have been seen at all due to the mass amounts of other comments.

    Ah! But then again, how could a dimwit like you notice when you can't even label things properly. Sometimes people should just shut their mouths and appreciate --- or even try to acknowledge --- that someone's taken time out of their day to do something that could potentially be of benefit to others.

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:28 am
    It's still not narcissism you dumb fuck.If you don't understand what narcissism is, don't fucking label people with it. You're making a fool of yourself.And what do you mean "like 3 bad comments"? If there were... mmmm

    If there were only 3
    There were you not very smart person. At most 5.
    But I’m sorry you can’t count, can’t expect you to see manipulative and narcissistic behavior for what it is if you cannot pass basic math.

    mmmm May 14, 2021 7:59 am
    If there were only 3 There were you not very smart person. At most 5. But I’m sorry you can’t count, can’t expect you to see manipulative and narcissistic behavior for what it is if you cannot pass basic ... Kyuu

    Ehem. If you were to read properly, I said: "...3 or so...".
    I'm sorry you can't read, can't really expect much from a person who, not only cannot label things properly, but also cannot tell the difference between being manipulative and speaking out to comments who were overly rude.

    The uploader did not seek comfort, they stated facts about what was happening. I really can't see where you're picking up this 'manipulative', 'narcissistic' attitude from.

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:43 am
    Ehem. If you were to read properly, I said: "...3 or so...".I'm sorry you can't read, can't really expect much from a person who, not only cannot label things properly, but also cannot tell the difference betwe... mmmm

    I’m a shitposter, but damn are you’re exhausting.

    Idk what to answer cause you didn’t say anything so like I’m gonna keep repeating myself, just reread my last post indefinitely.

Kyuu May 13, 2021 8:35 am

He’s acting too much like a cat. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Kyuu May 12, 2021 7:34 am

Why are people doing this?
Just upload or not stop trying to *call* mangas damn

Kyuu May 11, 2021 9:14 am

We were bamboozled twice (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Kyuu May 11, 2021 1:18 am

Ok but the lion dad is a lot cuter than expected.

Kyuu May 11, 2021 12:12 am

Second bottom has a new life new personality and I’m vibing with it!
Bonk the author!

Kyuu May 9, 2021 8:43 pm

Man you’re all so fucking hypocritical, “when harada does it it’s ok cause reasons”
It’s the same crap trope, just read or don’t, no one cares.

Story was fine, tropey, good art, cute cow.

    mekkkah May 9, 2021 8:59 pm

    The one made by harada and this one are completely different bc of how the subject matter is handled and portrayed. Same trope, but very different approach and execution.

    bishounensupremacy May 9, 2021 9:26 pm
    The one made by harada and this one are completely different bc of how the subject matter is handled and portrayed. Same trope, but very different approach and execution. mekkkah


    mint May 9, 2021 9:54 pm

    As someone commented in this thread and below, the approach of the topic is really different. The MCs don't just bang to bang. Apart from the doujins, the psyche of the characters is developed during the story and the victims acknowledge that what is done to them is wrong and confront the perpetrators. From then on, things will develop between the characters, positively or negatively.

    mint May 9, 2021 9:54 pm
    As someone commented in this thread and below, the approach of the topic is really different. The MCs don't just bang to bang. Apart from the doujins, the psyche of the characters is developed during the story ... mint

    In Harada's manga

    faghot May 9, 2021 10:26 pm

    except when harada does it it's hot

    Kyuu May 10, 2021 12:50 am

    Pffft, point proven
    Same trope, but ok if harada. Got it.

    mekkkah May 10, 2021 1:12 am
    Pffft, point proven Same trope, but ok if harada. Got it. Kyuu

    No. Same trope, different approach and execution entirely. How is that the same thing?
    Point not proven.

    Kyuu May 10, 2021 2:29 am
    No. Same trope, different approach and execution entirely. How is that the same thing?Point not proven. mekkkah

    Damn that shut me up.
    Look, if you think harada’s brother is different I think there’s nothing I can say to persuade you but it’s exactly the same plot.

    But muh quality.... what quality?
    Harada relies on the fact of, if it’s shocking and fucked it’s good. It’s deeeeep. Nah bro, it’s just fucked up trope shit. And harada gets a pass the same way killing stalking got a pass, it’s not the quality of the writing it’s just people being sheep.

    If you think a little kid suddenly looking up his stalker and shoving up his ass is ok just cause harada writes it that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s not even about the ‘quality’ I’m saying that if you say ewwww pedo disgusting shit, but harada *cheff kiss* you’re being hypocritical af cause it’s the same trope and plot.
    But muh approach, nah bro, same plot and trope, if it’s disgusting and unrealistic, and you’re going to attack that, then just don’t be a hypocrite forgiving other mangas with the exact same plot and trope.

    This was a lot more text than this shitty thread deserved hope you enjoy me going off.

    FujoBruh May 10, 2021 2:42 am

    No no you misunderstand. It’s not that when Harada does it it’s okay but rather it deal with it somewhat more realistically and utilizes psychological aspects well. Most times ppl don’t read it for the yaoi but for the psycho

    Kyuu May 10, 2021 2:48 am
    No no you misunderstand. It’s not that when Harada does it it’s okay but rather it deal with it somewhat more realistically and utilizes psychological aspects well. Most times ppl don’t read it for the ya... FujoBruh

    That’s valid if you’re gonna read a shitty trope, better read it well written at least.
    And its not like harada is a bad writer if you’re into fucked up shit.

    My comment is just for those people that were like this manga is so unrealistic and tropey why can’t they learn from harada, when like, bro... plz...

    tg15 May 10, 2021 6:38 pm
    That’s valid if you’re gonna read a shitty trope, better read it well written at least.And its not like harada is a bad writer if you’re into fucked up shit.My comment is just for those people that were l... Kyuu

    waou, bad comparison... it couldn't have been dealt more differently by Harada. This one was.. ridiculous

    Kyuu May 10, 2021 8:46 pm
    waou, bad comparison... it couldn't have been dealt more differently by Harada. This one was.. ridiculous tg15

    The fact that people still think Harada is next level writer
    Let’s write like harada 101:

    Yaoi trope as plot, choose one it doesn’t matter
    Rape included, seme is an asshole. Alternatively the bottom is a manipulative bitch
    Oh noes, insert bad emotion, madness, depression your choice. Someone was.... played dun dun dun....
    It doesn’t matter because everyone is fucked up in the head so even if it’s ethically bad because the top or bottom are crazy bitches it’s all daijobu cause they all crazy. See? They’re all happy cause everyone is crazy. BRUH DEEP.

    There. You’re welcome.

    Her cute stories are cute tho.

    bishounensupremacy May 10, 2021 8:53 pm
    The fact that people still think Harada is next level writer Let’s write like harada 101:Yaoi trope as plot, choose one it doesn’t matter Rape included, seme is an asshole. Alternatively the bottom is a man... Kyuu

    idk man yatamomo was pretty fucking deep and realistic in my opinion just not a fan of the sex scenes making up almost the half of every chapter cause her art isn't hot at all


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