Does this consider as grooming.......???

You can check the detail here

I may be speaking on terms as if they are both human but right now that little dragon has no knowledge of the world is new to it is little and the first person he's sort of imprinted is the mc
THE FIRST HUMAN who kind to him
and I get this is fantasy supernatural manga and all but isn't it like having a relationship with someone who you know as a child weird here..
I'm just saying if this is the origin of how they both meet
I would say the same even if the dragon's first form was a grownass man
Cause again no knowledge of world or what is going entirely and new to it
I'll check the details hold on

Let me tell you the the meaning of Grooming, though from Google.
"Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them"
In this case, the MC is not doing this to sexually exploit the "kid" version or manipulate. Do you see a chapter where he said or think "Ah this child is valuable, let's get close to him". This is just the MC HELPING the ML who is obviously abused and threatened by it's surrounding. Which is a decent human being would do if they see someone struggling.
As far as the manhwa there is no scenes that it indicates this behavior, So please don't use the word grooming just because you see it everywhere.
and I rest my case. Thank you.

I really don't want to start anything
I am not saying the mc is trying to use the kid dragon
I am saying it is a bit weird that that mc is gonna end up as it's mate
Cause this is a bl
It's the route that's going to happen
And sure mc does not have any intent to be a romantic partner for the dragon now and it's going a very wholesome route now
But you know where it's gonna go right
And so the origin of their relationship suddenly looks dark
That's what I meant by grooming
It's unintentionally going that route

This entire story is just like hua cheng and xie lian from tgcf. they met when the top was a kid but only after 800 years, that they start intimating. Plus, the dragon doesnt even have a real form. It's just a child that he took a form of.
Lets just face reality. You wouldn't date a 11 years old when you're 18,right? Bc that would be considered as grooming or wtv ur point stands here. But you'd date that little guy when he reaches the age of 21 and you're 28. Ig u could say maturity difference. The MC is neither grooming nor tryna do some intercourse on the ML but as u can see thats gonna happen later so save it. There are whole lots of stories where the age diff is a main thing just like how ur parents have 5 years age gap. + the ML is a dragon who's probably like hundreds of years old? U never know. Maybe too much social media ruined ur way of thinking.

Didn't the dragon origin from a river weeks back or smtg like first day on earth kind of thing and please tell you did not mean the date a guy or anyone in that case who you've known when they 11 and then date at 21 that's like waiting for them to grow up
You know it sounds creepy right?
Someone who just reached that age is still a child just cause law says they are adults doesn't mean they are, a 21 yr old and a 28 year old has a huge difference between them
It is literally a red flag
Dating someone who just turned an adult is one thing but watching them grow up and then dating them is another
But keeping it all aside cause what i mentioned is for real life and this is a fiction and fictional logic is way different than real life I don't get what you meant by too much social media ruining my thinking

This is what i mean by too much social media ruined ur way of thinking about some stuff. Like I said, that dragon is not a child but a FORM of a child. So the MC isnt gonna watch him "grow up" since he can change his form at any time? If he did has romantic feelings for the mc in his child form, he wouldve changed into an adult form cuz that would make more sense? And fiction logic isnt different from real life logic. The only diff is that what youre reading rn is fantasy and those kind of shapeshifting and dragons dont exist irl. If this were to be a normal manhwa with no superpowers whatsoever, then I totally agree that it'd be weird to date someone whom you raised. But in this age and century where you can turn urself into a 9 yrs old even if you're over 200+ yrs old or u can just idk take a form of a human even tho you're a dragon, is what makes sense in this manhwa.

I’m not sure? At the moment I don’t think so cuz we don’t know the nature of the relationship between the child dragon & the guy taking care of him. We only know that when the dragon was a kid this lord took care of him like a father, and in the future which is basically a different timeline the dragon seems to harbour romantic

That is something subjective in this, as you read the raws, you see that hyo-un develops feelings for taehyuk, on the other hand, taehyuk looked after him, and never saw him in that way, besides it was the oolden times, he (taehyuk) thought that it was not normal having feelings for other guys, the latest raw suggests that, u can read that, or if you still feel this is wrong, might as well, drop this

I have no idea what social media has anything to do with what I think , plus again i repeat the dragon has no knowledge or experience of the world he's in , he's in his initial life on earth and the first kind soul he's seen is the mc and i do not know how their romantic plotline will develop and i would have liked it if it's been more he(dragon) ventured on his own gained more experience on his own and then met the mc and things took off from there
Right now he's being taken care of by the mc
That's why I asked
Even then I asked as a question cause I'm not sure
Fictional logic exists mate obviously a lot of things won't fly in real life and
Again this is just fiction and I am fine with not thinking so critically I asked a very simple question
And I'm just gonna keep my opinion and see where this goes
Cheers to you

You basically answered your own question throughout your own answer. "Right now, he's being taken care of by the MC" exactly, which is why the entire plot line happen to exist. He's a dragon and if he were to "gain" his own experience by himself or whatsoever, this plot wouldnt exist. As you can see. he isnt even trying to "learn" about how life with humans is that. He's basically getting bullied? Let's just say the MC didnt find ML, and now the ML has to survive on his own and thinks all humans are evil (as we can see how he's treated). So if he were to meet MC later after he has had his experience with humans, he would kill the MC right on sight because of his past encounters with humans. This story isn't like how your typical romance comics where they go "Wow, all humans are evil and bad but this guy's kinda hot so i'll keep him hostage for my own advantage" and then slowly falls in love? No, the entire plot makes sense for me. Idk what you're missing out on but i suggest you read the story carefully and hope you pay attention next time. If you're still heavily sided on that "grooming" thing, you dont need to see "how it goes". Just simply drop it if you're starting to feel uncomfortable and have suspicions. Just don't make assumptions before the plot twists and get everyone annoyed.

If that's how you feel fine
I'll do what i feel like right you do what you fell like
that's it
If the story went like you said it will just be another story that's it
And that's not how i imagined how the story would have been
Which is fine we just have different preferences on things
I really am not trying to fight and i didn't assume anything I just spoke from what's already known
Just ignore me if I annoy you too much

If you feel like then sure
You hold your opinion and I'll hold mine
To me it's a bit odd
To you it's fine
It's just a matter of perspective and both ain't wrong
And even if it went like you said if the dragon didn't meet mc in the beginning in my head it went a bit different than what you said
And i didn't make assumptions of this is what the manga will be, I said it based on the what we know now and clearly it's not the complete info and I will be more than happy to be proved wrong which is again why I am curious to know what will happen and decide what to do later and if feel free to ignore me if I annoy you

I hate this story why does the mc still fall for that guy after everything i thought he would atleast get a bit retrospect get time to heal even break the ring and then they try without the influence of the ring around put nope the main lead is toxic he's manipulative only difference is mc knows he's manipulative and what he is capable of and goes right back in
Does this have a novel or smtg