I just comeback because I remember this story and the ending is that just!?!! wtf happened I feel like more of a joke. I just wasted my time reading this, it's got potential in the start but really o(T□T)o the ending Is so anti climatic and feel like more of a cliffhanger than anything. There still more mystery and even the past didn't get mentioned even if it was hinted that it was so important. Either the manhwa get axed or the author didn't know what to do in the story anymore.

I guess this manhwa is really a waiting game because oh my God!!!! I wish on the season 2 there will be more screen time on fl. And I wish the wench have a satisfying ending for all the angry that I have on her and the king my God please burn in hell. I'm gonna be feel bad for him for being cuckold twice but fuck him, I wish his dick fall off.
Although I read in the comment that the author note favorite character is the wench, I just really hope the author don't let her be Scott free because I will curse her and hers ancestors.

Gonna fr here, why are people reading this if they want a timeskip, like guys !?!? can u all read the title !?! it's shota oni and the cover read shota x oni !!?! it's a ship name ?!? there no timeskip gonna happen even if there are it's gonna be extra or the ending of this. Stop reading u don't like, geez it's not good to ur mental health.

Is this manhwa complete??! because I just need the ending, I Don't need all of the villainess sex scene because why do we care about him just give us the two lead scene it's just getting annoying. Even if the two lead progress is cute and just getting ruined by someone having sex scene in the next chapter, it's just too much snu snu and it's not even the female lead having it.
Does this not have a chance to pick up by some someone again, it's been so long and it's still chapter 10.