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Title Update Recommend
Dramatical murder dj's(6) 2017-03-06 0
Fantasy (40) 2022-05-22 1
Happiness in the Office?(28) 2022-08-08 0
Muutan and Satomi(5) 2017-03-06 0

Sheba562's topics ( All 39 )

Sheba562 July 19, 2021 5:58 pm

Too cute....a little confusing until I figured some pages out of order but still.....and I am a bad girl so that's why I can't see ;)

Sheba562 August 1, 2020 1:08 am

Thank you soooo much for the update. I treasure this one and am very pleased (cat ears)

Sheba562's questions ( All 1 )

Sheba562 March 25, 2020 5:59 pm

I am trying to find a manga that I read in the past. Rereading "Black Bird" stirred up a fragment of a memory of this manga (of course the memory was not the title). It is about a girl who was taken? to a school by a black crow....she has to stay in his tower, and she is supposed to be the legendary white crow.....oh and the world ends but they rebuild it

Sheba562's favorite ( All 1 )

🎐[feimo] Art / illustration 05-30 19:46

Sheba562's message board ( All 2 )

Sheba562 January 27, 2017 10:57 am

Your welcome....I am enjoying it

Bright January 27, 2017 10:27 am


See the avatar? That is my inner evil self     (hahaha)

Here is something you might like

My favorite bar
My special place
My favorite jazz playing in the background
And he is there, waiting
He pours my scotch and lightly touches my hand as he passes it to me
He knows it is one of my dark nights
When I feel alone
But he is there
Waiting to take me home
Waiting to embrace me
Waiting to take all of me
Healing my darkness with his breath once again
> 9 people followed Sheba562