Lies followed a list
Lies followed a list

A list of BL works I enjoyed reading

- no rape between main characters
- consent is priority
- non-abusive & non-heteronormative relationship
- some contain dub-con scenes but I'll make sure to put TW
- ongoing works that turn out problematic will be deleted
- rating depends on my personal preference

☆ = fave

Part 2:

20 06,2023
Lies followed a list

Some Straight Romance Manga I've read,am reading, am waiting for it to finish before I pick it up again or just other ones that I want to read at some point 

[100% Full List]

Next List:
Straight-Romance II

09 06,2023
Lies followed a list
09 06,2023
Lies followed a list
Lies followed a list

Gems of an Isekai/etc 
• Reincarnation/Transmigration/Time Travel
• Noble/Royality Medival times setting 
• Those with summary are ones I want to check out ~
《Still in process....》

08 06,2023
Lies followed a list
06 06,2023
Lies followed a list
Lies followed a list