Why are people fighting here....... I'm confused

youraedthiswrogn you've blocked me, so I can't reply. Also if I have something to say, then I will do it under my username. The comment section should encourage understanding, it's not just an echo chamber.
People aren't "anti Dojin", that would be quite a childish stance to say the least. It's about trying to look at the plot in an objective fashion. x

There is nothing "objective" about your views on Dojin, same for the people you for echo chambers with either. Here are you real thoughts on Dojin: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/3203300/
Under my topic you go into your VERY biased views on the matter, but you like to act like you're calm and rational so people wont judge you for the fanatic you are...

Erm okay? I see one post from me, and loads of posts from yourself in that thread. My point it seems was that Dojin was not verbally conveying any affection towards Hye-sung, but instead was using his financial power to sweeten him up (like his previous if you hate me so much character).
Also, why block me when you keep mentioning my username and wanting a conversation? It's not like I can properly reply!

This will be my last post to you. I think your behaviour has been very rude and unfair, you block users who don't 100% agree with you, fair enough, but stop harassing us by mentioning out usernames and not giving us the right to reply. I haven't replied to until now, as not only am I blocked by you, as are many others apparently, but what benefit would it bring to the comment section seeing as your form of conversation is just expecting others to agree with you wholeheartedly? My own ideas have evolved, and I've understood mangas better by reading others perspectives, maybe you should do the same x

youraedthiswrogn seriously? You have blocked a lot of users, because they don't confirm your bias against a character, that is fair enough, but please, could you understanding that blocking means a person cannot reply to your slander, therefore it's not exactly cricket to behave like this? Stop bringing up usernames of people you have blocked, seriously are we that interesting to you? I guess I'm just falling into your troll trap though by responding after ignoring you for so long. More fool me.
He was holding him so gently I'm- *sobs*
*sob sob*
He switched quickly.