What do you mean it hasn’t started yet??.. like they haven’t started posting it to those two sites yet?? Because it definitely started already. Like really definitely has already started..
What do you mean it hasn’t started yet??.. like they haven’t started posting it to those two sites yet??Because it definitely started already. Like really definitely has already started.. Nenny
The author took a break and is coming back with a release in a day or 2. Meaning there will be no release of raws or English translated release on lezhin until then. The updates already uploaded are the most recent. Koogi however has been posting spoilers on her twitter.
The author took a break and is coming back with a release in a day or 2. Meaning there will be no release of raws or English translated release on lezhin until then. The updates already uploaded are the most re... Ashuri
KS is released simultaneously in Korean and English. Which means that asking for raws isn't necessary. You can ask for the translated chapters instead. Somebody always posts the translated chapters somewhere immediately after it was released.
KS is released simultaneously in Korean and English. Which means that asking for raws isn't necessary. You can ask for the translated chapters instead. Somebody always posts the translated chapters somewhere im... awwi
Are they on toonkot. If they are then can someone give me yhe site please
Are they on toonkot. If they are then can someone give me yhe site please Zion
I don't know but even if there were uploaded on Toonkor there wouldn't be more chapters than on mangago. Season 3 starts on Thursday (3 pm CET), that's when the next chapter comes out. Just check the comments on Thursday for links to raws or translated chapters. I'm sure somebody will post them.
I don't know but even if there were uploaded on Toonkor there wouldn't be more chapters than on mangago. Season 3 starts on Thursday (3 pm CET), that's when the next chapter comes out. Just check the comments o... awwi
Like if you hate lucaon and kyon being together. Dislike if you want them to be together foever. (≧∀≦)