I feel unpleasant, suddenly introducing eita out of nowhere just to make him a better ace than bungo throughout the 2 or 3 years in middle school, and he is so weird having this creepy actions towards his feelings for makoto.
Few male characters are actually so annoying about crushing female characters.
Another thing is, what the heck is the coach doing within these 2 years, like I haven't seen him give training to bungo or others lol maybe it's just me being ranty, but it felt like bungo is always training by himself (like he's the one who make his menu for training) or maybe because there is A team so the coach doesn't really coach other members.
I know bungo only knows fastballs and does'nt have much experiece really, that's why the story is going this way.
Well, I wish the story won't go the way like It's Eita who's always gonna be the ace this whole middle school. As a reader I don't think he deserved it lol

About the chapter where the student council pres (the sister) met takara.
When she was curious about him.
What chap was it again?

Maybe you are talking about that moment ? :)

So akihiko was inlove with some guy before? Aww haruki likes akihiko right, i wish it would go well for haruki. And i want haruki to shave his beard.
When some scenes of mafuyu just lookin at uenoyama you know those scenes, it gives me hope and think that something w/ mafuyus feelings is starting. But most of the time i just dont know, cus i don't know what he's thinking. But it's been 7 months before this manga updated i wish it won't be that long again.
There is definitely something wrong with Chapters 56-60 (scans from likemanga I think) missing pages and 2 repeat chapters. Idk maybe it's just about 58 chapters officially right now.
Thank You in advance to whoever will fix this.
*You can read chapters 50 & 58 here.*
In all the sites that 60 was available, it was repeated so I'm guessing the current English translation is updated till 59.
I have already tried that last time and I think it was the same problem from chapters 56-60
thanks though