I think theyre in university and classmate (not sure)
So like theyve become lovers i guess but the seme dont want to do more than kiss cause he was disgusted by having sex, thats all i remembet.
Hope this is the one
It was just a new release and only just had one chapter in the meantime, the story is hes a first year and its his first day of school and hes in the clinic cus hes not feeling well always when its school ceremony and a senpai wonders why hes uniform is a a gakuran after entering the clinic and snatches him and rape him XD not really rape but thatttt i forgot the title i need to add it to the list.
There is definitely something wrong with Chapters 56-60 (scans from likemanga I think) missing pages and 2 repeat chapters. Idk maybe it's just about 58 chapters officially right now.
Thank You in advance to whoever will fix this.
*You can read chapters 50 & 58 here.*
In all the sites that 60 was available, it was repeated so I'm guessing the current English translation is updated till 59.
I have already tried that last time and I think it was the same problem from chapters 56-60
thanks though