This hit me so hard... Several times I've tried to do things on my own but... I couldn't... "isn't a male friend coming with you?" "it's dangerous, go with your boyfriend" "you can't do that, it's not proper for a girl" "a backpack?! No... You look better with a purse" "you look lesbian like that, put on a skirt" "it would look better in high heels..." "your going alone?! No, you need a man to go with you". "I know why you leave med school... It's harder for girls..."
Those tipe of things hurt a little... But little by little they become a hole in our confidence and that hole grows so much that we are left barefoot and naked... And at when all of those comments weight up.. We end up saying. " no its OK, I'll do it when I get married"
His schedule isn't that bad! I mean every class starts at 9am! In med school my classes started at 7am and when I changed mayors my school was so far that all classes began at 8am. What I found weird is how much space is between classes. For both mayors, I had a clean set of courses from 8 til 1 pm that were obligatory curriculum. At the end of the career when I got to choose classes that's when my schedule went all bizzare and even then just when I took classes from different mayors in other faculty did my schedule got that weird.
But I had Fridays off at the last sem
Well... What do you know?... Sam is kind of a dick...
Just saying...