chsne_ created a topic of Love Shuttle

Reread this today and i don't really remember the incest thing.. wtf was that anyways great story

chsne_ created a topic of Love in Orbit
chsne_ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Why did you need to add that last few panels when they're literally lovey dove I'm genuinely tweaking

bro's such a cutie, trying his best to help his beloved

chsne_ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

they care so much for each other it makes me wanna kill myself

chsne_ created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

thought i was tweaking when i saw there's two chapter updates

chsne_ created a topic of Love in Orbit

I hope he doesn't wish for something bad

this is the cutest shit I've seen today

chsne_ created a topic of Nerd Project


chsne_ created a topic of Nerd Project


chsne_ like the answer
i am so grateful that misandry exists
chsne_ asked a question

I've been reading bl manhwas for like almost 3 years now, and i badly need recos (â•Ĩīšâ•Ĩ)

chsne_ like the answer
thought there were only a few answers to this, so i thought i might as well get my two cents in. i struggled with depression since 9 to 10 years now, but i was only diagnosed about 3 years ago. im not sure when and how exactly it started, but over time i realized i usually get my episodes because of certain situations with my family and my academi......