chsne_ created a topic of Shutline

OHMYLORD everybody knows I'm a good girl, officer... shakin my balls gawd damn

chsne_ created a topic of Nerd Project


chsne_ created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I just love clingy men idk

chsne_ created a topic of Jinx

Fuck i love you Kim Dan, please slap him with the reality

chsne_ created a topic of 19 Days
chsne_ created a topic of Jinx

So we're like back to zero?..

chsne_ created a topic of 19 Days

3 updates in one month??.. i feel spoiled (and the angst)

chsne_ created a topic of 19 Days

Nobody understands how much i love them

chsne_ created a topic of 19 Days

He reminds me of toji for some reason.. btw the author is so good at sexual tension (โ‰งโ–ฝโ‰ฆ)

chsne_ created a topic of Waterside Night
chsne_ created a topic of 19 Days

he's so fucking gorgeous?!??!? gawd damnn

chsne_ says:

I'm losing my interest and passion for reading y'all.. wtf am i supposed to do

chsne_ created a topic of Dear, 00

eve got that eternal beauty i would sell my soul for

chsne_ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I'll get diabetes because of this

chsne_ created a topic of Driver's High