Am just shocked, traumatized but still wanna know the ending,I need therapy after this
I think I'll be bringing roles for the hanger instead of cliffs
Can I hit this guy with a pan,we need to open his brain to connect the wires
Here's my will, please no more,just double it, goodbye everyone
Dummy, clueless... doesn't even realize his feelings for him
I felt goosebumps when he cut off his ear,guess a psychopath on the loose
He deserves all that happens to him but now I just feel pity for him
I guess it's the first warning,he never listens...
Tell me it's a dream,tell me it's a dream,ಥâ•â•®à²¥ someone please tell me it's just a dream,fuck it
Demons,arise it's the day you can scream all you finally happened,hope it goes well for them(≧▽≦)