well this is typical of most chinese comic they end up abruptly without you knowing. too bad we dodnt seeeet the parents scene. Seme's parents be adoring the Uke like their son while uke's parents will be doting on seme bec he is an upstanding rich guy lol
I love it when the Uke said that Seme shouldnt be kneeling. Paying respects is one thing hut begging and kneeling just bec they are in a gay relationship.

The Saint will have her own char devt and I love how Kondou bec her inspiration to do better. The prince will change also gradually and I love how the author touch real life realizations for both of them. The novel is already completed, the last chapter here is just vol 1 in the novel. They will live together, Kondou will be super workaholic as usual and while attracting men here and there. Kondou will get a bit char devt specially with his relationship with Aresh who is always looking out on both on Kondou's health and his rivals with him. My fave rival is the prime minister. He is soooo sly and such a DILF even if he doesnt have a child yet lol. His banters with the possessive Aresh makes me giggle like a teenager lol. He takes advantage of every situation to make use of Kondou's skills and love how work him to the bone but ofc that's what Kondou wants as well. That's the reason why he is specially attracted to him. He's my fave char and I lowkey ship him for Kondou too haha

hahaha no probs that's bec the finished translations are either in jap /spanish. Go to this link using your phone the translate the page to english

https://discord.com/invite/tpFCjhG9Ch here you go

This is by far one of my faves. Lian Jue's char devt will be all worth the disappointment you had on him for forgetting Weiwei's bday. I cant wait to have this portrayed, I know they will miss a lot of things so read the novel.. The climax of the story also reveal alot of things. The translations were a bit off but I was still ugly crying bec it was so bittersweet. Lian Jue's emotions finally showing after weiwei's accident and disappearance, Weiwei coming into terms of the world he left behind and moving on.. and their reunion scene! I was crying so much on that part. I love that they covered everything except probably Lian Jue's adoptive family's side... There's not much highlight after the climax. I just dont get when they said that weiwei's doctor's license was revoked. He was a good doc to them. poor him.

It is in the epilogue in the novel, chapter 87. After Weiwei went back from his world. Tbh, I know the author might've wanted to do a comedic approach on this but it's kinda sad how Weiwei is struggling to explain where he was originally from and where he went when he disappeared. LianJue and Kang Tong kinda like not taking him seriously

I think the one who got their license revoked was Lian Jue's psychiatrist/therapist. I think it was for violating doctor - patient confidentiality protocols, Since his adoptive father knew of his illnesses when they confronted each other in the last chapters. I could be wrong tho, but this made sense to me than it being Wei Wei's doctor.

Im glad that it's finally silver hair's pov. That guy is straight so it's obvi that he was just chill with his set up with MC. He doesnt particularly treat him extra special but at least he doesnt say bad things behind his back. He never even told anyone that MC is gay after he confessed.
MC really has weird juju around him creather by that "brother" and Im guessing that's the reason why silver hair cant seem to be openly attached to MC eventhough it is kinda clear that when he saw him at first he was attracted to his face, then he became interested with him asking about him to other people, he is not sure if he is jealous with the "brother", he has that feeling that he wanted to protect MC.. It's like he's clearly whipped with the MC but there's kinda like something blocking it(clearly the "brother")So for me Silver hair isnt good or bad but he isnt a jerk. Tbh he gives more concern to MC more than people around him(except for that hyung ofc)
Oh and finally we see that it was Mc who initiated the no date just sex set up.
I didnt care about which versions I read them all and kept on rereading whenever there 's an update. That's how I love reading this story and seeing Han Sangyul's mochi cheeks being pinched by Lee Ryeok (▰˘◡˘▰)