( ̄へ ̄) so sweet and lovely , and for those that would say its Shota i must agree with what CatLady said ... 14 back then was basically a adult... plus it was only what 50+ years ago that getting married at 16 was common and acceptable and in that day and age ((indicated in the story)) even in england.... being 14 and married all good and well lol But that aside , i enjoyed the art work and i loved the actual plot it just made me melt so much
Hey peeps I am looking for a yaoi about two best friends best friend b introduces best friend a to his new boyfriend who is quite a bit younger then them best friend a rightfully freaks out over the age gap, however they talk him around into helping them out, and they meet best friend B, boyfriends father who best friend a ends up falling for and in a relationship with, if anyone can help me out I would appreciate it
so beautiful... i am usually a reader of only yaoi but every now and then a manga comes along that peaks my interest.. this was one of them... it was a touching moving story and i honestly wish that i could have more.. i need more Sara is my heroine... and a better Bf then Naruse she would not be able to get...