i love to see misaki cry every chapter and thanks to yaoi mangas i became sadistic. but here in Belgium no one knows mangas and anime so its weird to talk about especialy if everyone around you is being hatefull towards gay people.
does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
I have the same Problem :l
i live in Turkey and the people here arent better.
Well, I'm from a small town in America and here if you talk about gay relationships, you're pretty much shunned.
I believe it is a world problem. Although I think it is less shunned in the USA since we have the right of the people above all else. There are STATES in the USA that recognize gay marriages but it is still a hush hush topic among most people!!
Misaki/Usagi should have a chapter where they got married!!
I live in germany and I think the peoples are all the same. There are no differents of being gay or hetero, they are hateful to everyone :(
where I'm from it's almost the other way around. if you are against gay marries and you say that out loud you might get punched in the face or people will start yelling at you, att least. most people will also think that you are unintelligent if you say something against a homosexuallity.
but that is just where I'm living. i can't speak for every where else in my country but i would say that homosexuallity is most excepted in the three main citys and in the main area around those.
What city is that?
O. Tja, er zijn niet zoveel Nederlandse manga-vertalingen verkrijgbaar, jammer genoeg. Als je goed Frans kunt lezen, moet je 's naar Brussel gaan: er zijn winkeltjes waar er honderden te krijgen zijn. De Brusselse kinderen vechten erom. In Frankrijk vertalen ze ze aan de lopende band. Alle soorten.
Ik bestel ze in het Engels, of koop ze in 't Frans. D!e paar die in Nederland vertaald worden, zijn toevalling niet mijn smaak, dat is meer Pokemon en zo. Ik heb het meer op artistiek en origineel, typisch Japans spul.
Maar wat bedoel je met dat we in België gemeen zijn tegen homo's? Dat is toch niet zo? Behalve een paar archi-conservatieven is België een haven van verdraagzaamheid voor homo's! Je moet ons land geen slechte naam geven!
Als rechtgeaard Belgje moet je beter je best doen om Frans te leren, Anonychanneke. Eerste voordeel: véél meer keuze in manga! Tweede voordeel: met manga als hulp is 'n taal leren veel plezanter dan met saaie leerboeken. Je mag mij altijd om hulp vragen, ik zal je m'n mail geven in een pm, als je wil. Frans en ik zijn goeie vriendjes :-)
Met een paar leuke manga erbij heb je Frans meteen ook als vriendje, met al zijn accenten erbij, Anony. Trouwens, mag ik zeggen dat je Engels ook niet overdreven is, wat spelling betreft? Veel jongelui denken dat ze Engels perfect kennen, maar als je hen dan test... amai! Engels correct schrijven is VEEL moeilijker dan Frans, geloof me... studeren maar, meisje!
has anyone else wonderd why the witch cursed the prince in the first place.
i mean it could be because he was being a flirt or just because she fell in love with the prince too and was jealous.or did i mis something?
You did miss something. I forgot which chapter it was in, but it was definitely within the first few chapters.
I just want to take a wild guess that the prince promised her that he loved only her and then he shamelessly flirted with the other princesses, that could be one of the reasons...breaking a promise or something
Maybe megumi is the witch
i think mgumi who was the witch was secretly in love with the prince just like he is now in love with her but trying to keep it secret and be her friend, as the manga says the princeses battle over the prince ( i think it even said war... scary princeses!!) so i guess the prince was troubled so the witch "cursed" him so when they all are recairnated wouldnt happen the same thing
Its just that megumi cursing someone for jelously doesnt feel right, right? like it doesnt fit his personality
i honestly feels like the witch wanted the princesses to live their life and does not waiting for the prince to choose any of them. as the prince is indecisive. at the same time, the witch fall in love with the prince and wanted to try her luck in the next life. LOL. ヾ(☆▽☆)
am i the only one who thinks "in your face Maki!!!!"
nope i did too