So i'm looking for a manga but I only remember some of the ending. It was a shoujo and had a supernatural genre. The girl was used to be human but it turns out she is a demon, she didnt know this herself at first but I thing she gets hunted because she is suppossed to be the leader. Near the end of the story a vulcano (I think) is close to erupting. She and her clan go to the caves under the vulcano to draw its energy/ to help them stay alive. In the end she leaves her clan before to the entrance is closed to be with the hunter. I thought I could find it on my own but I have no idea where I start, so does anyone have an idea?
It had that 90's-2000 drawing style a bit like these two:
So I think there was a manga I read where a mother lies to her child about it's father. They say the father was a soldier who passed away and they provide pictures. But it later turns out that the soldier is not the father (just a rondom dude) and that the father is actually alive? I can't remember anything else, Can anyone help me?
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