I have a question. In mangas where the main point is that shit doesn't happen, the most common end is where shit never happens, or shit happens in an ultra epic way the readers couldn't imagine?
Examples of mangas where the point is shit doesn't happen: Gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun, Sangatsu wa Ore-sama ni narimasu, Renai Flag Zero Joshi no Meisou...
Sadly, none of these examples is complete so I have no reference.
Sooo, Hare drugged the girlfriend with that drink and fucked her? Then Zach caught them red handed and thought "wow I'm tired of her cheating nvm you can kill her"?
I mean.......... I would get pissed at both, if there's this person saying they love me so much they'd do anything foe me, then they fuck my significant other...
The moment she shoved a (toy) dick at his face? Fucking iconic.
Girl, how do you even navigate through life being this naive? How did you survive as an adult till now? Nevermind, you're a fictional character. You don't have to, like, be three dimensional with a backstory and fleshed out motives and ego or something.