Icl i kinda hate this kinda trope where the character the mc transmigrates into was abused and bc of that trauma they act in ways that ppl don't find pleasant which results in the og character being treated like shit but then the mc transmigrates and they basically change their personality to ppl please and *suddenly* everyone gives a fuck that "oh the poor little child is so little and they were neglected". Btw don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on this manhwa specifically (or at all) and there r many other stories out there w this trope, e.g death is the only ending for the villainess, but idk it's sad to me and makes *all* of the other characters v unlikeable bc they only seem to care when trauma is expressed in palatable ways, i.e. when someone acts like a "perfect" victim
I second. The ones where MC transmigrated into a traumatized protag that has the same trauma as them are kinda excused, but I'd rather read the OG person overcome. Especially without reading a book about the future, or going back in time. I'm tired of MC knowing the future (once again isekai where MC knows nothing are kinda excused) but I'd still prefer an MC who is fantasy native! Not transmigrator!!! Grrrrrr
So u guys know how in some bodyswap and reincarnation bls the uke starts out as a buff dude but then gets twinkified, e.g. https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kill_the_lights/ and https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/geu_kkeute_issneun_geos/ ? Is there anything that's the opposite of that. Like the uke starts out as thin and small and then ends up in a buff body? Ty for recs, if there r any
From what I rmbr:
- is definitely a manga
- has a historical setting
- mc is the hero's hometown gf before he joins the party to kill the demon king
- she gets memories back from past lives where the hero never comes back for her and marries either the saintess or the mage of his party depending on the life
- mc decides to leave honetown, ends up in a city and works at this boutique making accessories
That's all ik bc I didn't get v far into reading it. I'd appreciated it if anyone could tell me the title. Tyy
The hate for yokota is unjustified. I mean, is she a good (morally) character? No, but neither is amezato or any other damn character in this story. Like, can we get half of this energy for nishino and his friend WHO TORTURED YUUMA AND TRIED TO RAPE MAO??? Also, what kind of stupid ass take is yokota faked being gand raped?? She may have agreed the first time but the fact remains that ushijima or whatever his name was took pictures and THREATENED her w them to force her to keep doing it. For the slow ppl in the back, that means that she was coerced into sex which is RAPE. Honestly, her using amezato to get out of the situation and get revenge was a smart move and so what if she wants to date yuma? Like, ik the yaoi brainrot is brainrotting around here but can we pls stop w hating female characters just bc they happen to be around the 2 dudes u ship?
She put herself in that situation so I don't feel sorry for her
Yeah, sometimes people have to realize not everything is black and white. Yes, she is creepy and put herself on that situation, but that's more of a mental illness and teenager naivety than her actually being rational, not to mention, it doesn't make it any less bad the things her ex and Ameri did.
Honestly the whole situation seemed plan by her. I don’t know if it actually rape. I don’t understand what she gain from him. Plus that blackmail can easily could be reported by the police because all three admitted to it
...honestly I'm kinda speechless. Like i thought that we as a society had gone beyond this already. "She put herself in that situation"?? This is such a victim blaming mindset and i think u need to do some reflection on it bc it's extremely harmful to others and to urself if u were ever to be in a similar situation. For instance, say u were walking home alone at night and u get attacked. Is that ur fault? Did u "put urself in that situation"? Ik this isn't exactly the same as yokota's case but where do u draw the line on someone "asking for it"? Would u have the same mindset if the crime was different? Say someone got robbed and they'd left the window open, is it still their fault? It's my (correct lol) opinion that nobody deserves to be raped. Full-stop. We can't decide that one person is a victim and another one isn't based on how likeable they r or how many precautions they took. Ik that we're talking abt a fictional character rn but once u form a thought pattern it's difficult to stop following it.
Omg ty. Exactly. Yokota is clearly not mentally healthy and her "putting herself in that situation" doesn't mean it's ok for them to have done that to her.
Girl- planned?? What did she plan exactly? Did she have a premonition abt meeting yuma and amezato in the future and so decided to mind control the ex and his friends into doing what they did? That's ridiculous. Like, can we pls stop w the "oh this rape victim was actually the evil mastermind all along" bullshit? And of course u don't understand what she gained from him. Bc she gained nothing. U don't "gain" anything from being raped apart from PTSD and other mental health issues. And yes, it was rape. I already explained it in my og post. Altho she consented the 1st time, her ex took pictures and used them to blackmail her into doing it again. That's rape bc she DID NOT CONSENT. She was coerced. Pls brush up on the definitions of rape and consent if this is making u confused bc... oof. As for reporting, IT WAS LITERALLY EXPLAINED IN THE MANGA. Yokota didn't want other ppl knowing abt it. And if she reported it, it would definitely be public. As for y she didn't at least threaten to go to the police, this was also explained in the manga. She beared thru it in middle school so they wouldn't believe she'd suddenly go to the police now.
Why are you defending a criminal? She blackmailed someone to do her revenge. It's the same as hiring a hitman. Being mentally ill doesn't excuse her sin. She's not a good person and she ruined her own life
Coerced? He asked her if his friends could f her and she said okay. Yokota literally put herself in that situation to be blackmailed because he took that photo that first time. What did she think was going to happen if you open your body to anyone. People talk
Defending a criminal?? When did i defend her? Acknowledging that she was raped and ppinting out that nobody else gets as much hate as her isn't defending her. Also, all of the characters in this manga r criminals, sweetie, so let's be consistent in our attitudes. Yes, she did blackmail someone into revenge and as i said in my og reply I think that was smart considering her situation (i.e. her not being atrong enough to fight them and not wanting to go to the police). Also, I don't understand where ur going w this. Just bc she committed a crime doesn't mean it's ok for others to rape her. I never said her being mentally ill excused her of smth, I said her being mentally ill is partially to do w how she ended up in that situation to begin w. And, AGAIN, i already said in my og post that she's not a morally good character but neither is anyone else. Do u think what amezato did is ok? I bet u do bc ur issue isn't actually that she did anything wrong but that yokota is a woman and/or that she's getting in between yuma and amezato. And before u reply again, read my other replies bc I've already said these things and i don't like needlessly repeating myself.
Tyy ╥﹏╥. I don't understand y this is such a controversial take lmao.
I already said she consented but ONLY that 1st time. The other times she was, yes incredulous child on the internet, coerced. As for the "she put herself in that situation", "she was asking for it", "what did she think was gonna happen" type bullshit read my reply to NekoNeko (and honestly my reply to u bc u don't seem to understand what i said). I've already explained that this is victim blaming and that just bc she was in a vulnerable situation doesn't mean that her ex and his friends had the right to do what they did. Also, "open ur body up to anyone"?? Can we stop shaming women for having a sex life (well in this case it wasn't sex but to me it sounds like u have an issue w women sleeping around so). "People talk"?? They DIDN'T talk, they took pictures and videos that they then blackmailed her w. That's on a while other level (and talking would've been hella scummy too). Again, let's stop slut shaming women 2025 challenge start.
I’m not shaming someone for a sex life but you agreeing to f your mans friends because he ask is foolish. If she wanted a clean reputation she wouldn’t say yes to her ex.She was literally down for anything until that point I only agree that the photo was blackmail but remind me of the chapter where they f ed her again
How do u still not get it? What I'm saying, my whole entire point, is that it doesn't MATTER if she was foolish, or she's a bad person, or "put herself in that situation", she didn't deserve to be raped.
Also, she agreed to having sex w his friends bc she wanted to stay together w him. It's not even that she is foolish it's that she's mentally ill bro. Also also, not the "clean reputation" lmao. What's wrong w her sleeping w multiple ppl (w consent)? That's y I said u were slut shaming. Like the ex and his friends also slept w her so y r we not talking abt their reputations?
How are you not getting it? You said she doesn’t want to report it right! So she rather get rape like you said so it wouldn’t be out there. She fucking stupid then
Ur the one not getting it. It's not that she doesn't want to report it or would rather get raped, it's that she doesn't want other ppl finding out she was raped. She's not stupid, she just doesn't want to be humiliated. Also, the possibility of ppl reacting the way u r rn is v high. Even the police could brush her off, which could just lead to a worse situation for her if her ex and his friends find out she reported them. It's just not v conductive to creating a safe space where rape victims can report the crime. This kind of scenario is pretty common irl so in that sense i think yokota is well written. That's also y I don't think it's ok for u to talk like that. I'm not gonna go into a what if case where a rape or sa survivor reads ur comments and ends up feeling shittier abt themselves bc u probably won't take it seriously but just know that it's not as simple as just "report it and if u don't then ur stupid"
Omg, this is a joke right? Can't believe people actually think like this.
Every time they call her and she goes. I guess that wasn’t humiliating and even one of the guys was shocked that he wasn’t reported. She quite literally put herself in this situation and now start to drag others in her own situation. She dumb asf because there is a case against them and if she could take photos of a crime and blackmail him. But she didnt even bothered with it until she can use someone else
Brother r u being fr rn lmao? U have to be a troll bc ur reaching unprecedented levels of denseness. Like, honestly impossible levels. SHE GOES EVERY TIME THEY CALL BC THEY'RE BLACKMAILING HER. Also, I've already explained at least 3 separate times y she isn't going to the police so rather than wasting my time typing it out again, I direct u to my previous replies ^^. As for ur "dragging others in" comment, amezato forced yuma to be an accomplice in his (attempted) murder of nishino (who deserved it but that's besides the point) but it's funny how there's only an issue w it when it's yokota doing it. Also, she just wanted someone to help/sympathise w her. Anyway, it's clear to me that the internalised misogyny is deeply rooted within u and that u aren't open to a proper discussion so I'm going to be ignoring u from now on :). If u have anything else to say I once again direct u to my prev replies bc u seem incapable of even coming up w new arguments so anything u say I've already answered. Happy new years.
ur so right its genuinely disturbing how cooked these people are because how the hell do you read a manga full of fucked up unrealistic characters such as these murderous and mentally insane 15 year olds and suddenly decide that the worst crime any of these people commited was the sin of being a woman. like genuinely this yaoi-induced misogyny has rotted these people's brains so hard to the point where even the translator is pissing me off so bad not being able to control themselves and putting their cringe little one liners about how much they want yokota to kill herself every panel she appears in. like what is ur problem lmfao. all cus she gets in the way of the yaoi? she doesnt even want either of them like that, that one panel where she talks about "wanting" yuuma just because ameri wants him has more depth than yuuma's entire character so far. its obvious she's clearly mentally ill and kind of looks up to ameri in a way since he is able to put his morals aside and manipulate and control people in the way she wishes she was able to. does that make her flawed? yeah. does that make her a worse character morally than ameri for example? hell naw. does that make her a better written character than the cardboard box that is yuuma? yes. does that mean we as readers should be subjected to unnecessary unprompted comments made by the translator inside the actual manga about how much of a bitch she is or how much you want her to die? fuck no. do better.
THIS! I honestly feel like yokota is a pretty well written character especially when compared to the other ones. Also, yup, the yaoi induced misogyny goes hard. U don't know how many times I've come across a situation like this where ppl r hating on a female character just bc they percieve her as being in the way of their ship. But this one is one of the worse ones, probably bc of the content of the manga being what it is. And oof, yh, every time I saw the T/Ns telling her to get out of the way of ameri x yuuma my blood pressure would spike lmao
SHE WAS A MIDDLE SCHOOLER? AND THEY WERE A GROUP OF DELINQUENTS. please we are not victim shaming here