Cezy created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

i cant this is too funny especially where the dude was saying “do you want a bath first, dinner, or me?” LMAOOO I LUV BOOKS LIKE THESE serious yet so humorous

Cezy created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

wowww!!!! To have so much money you can buy a whole collection of something…. Ahhhh i can’t believe its about to end (?) its jst the vibes that it might end lololll

Cezy created a topic of Our Sunny Days

awhh the way they comfort each other in their own ways is soooo guhhhh…!!!! I love them sosososo much!!!! im afraid smth or someone will ruin them TT

Cezy created a topic of How to Train Your Healer

like the others are saying… what a weird way to propose!!!! lololl but theyre really cute yet i cant help but feel odd about how healteaser acts (obvs not in a bad way)

Cezy created a topic of Until I Meet My Husband

so cute..!!!! I nearly started crying i feel so bad for him!!! I wish for peace and grace to their relationship and life all together!!! TT

Cezy created a topic of Our Companionship

Chp.32 was so unnecessary and dumb (if this cuts off im gonna go insane) like why did the ML do all that js cuz there was a difference of feelings between him and MCs friend? ig the plot was pretty cute

Cezy created a topic of Toufuu (Fu)kenbunroku

this was such a weird read but the art is realllyyy good! Its so simple yet something about it makes it special….

Cezy created a topic of Nichijou Climax

omg i misread the last few sentences jn chp.3 and was genuinely confused until i reread it omgggg my hear skipped a beat ahhh but this book is lwk humorous lololl theyre sooooo goofy

Cezy add manga to list Freaky ones

“Are you running away after sleeping with me?”After reuniting 8 years later, something o...

  • Author: majungji
  • Genres: Adult / Yaoi / Drama
Cezy created a topic of Turning

omg the way he remembered about their time in bed together… aughh they’re already so precious to me wthh!!!! I hope nothing AND/OR nobody ruins their relationship cuz so far its okay and doing good

okay omg first of all the MC is realllyyy cute looking LOL second of all i read all the chps in one sitting ughh!!!! I shouldve waited for all the chps to release…. and third of all the plot is going good so far i really enjoy how the mc portrays his emotions hes so funny lololll

Cezy created a topic of 19 Days

omg more Zhang and Jian moments ….!!! Ive missed them so much i hope we get to see more of them together as more chps come out ╥﹏╥

Cezy created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

LOLL the way Ji woo gets pouty when he doesn’t get what he wants ahhhh Dongchan you’re making things difficult!!! it’s also funny seeing how he acts when he’s drunk LOLOLLL

Cezy created a topic of Define The Relationship

Ik im like only 40 chps in but omggg idk why but they make me mad LOLOLL maybe i jst needa read more and then maybe i wont cringe either jsjs!! I hope everything goes smoothly as I continue to read…

Cezy created a topic of Homeless/No Home

i cried a bunch holy fuck wth!!!!! They’re so realistic ugh i feel bad for all of them why couldn’t they jst happy uuugghhhhh its so good i wana read it all over again for rhe first time lololollll

Cezy created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Marie they could never make me hate you TT seeing her cry is soooo paining guhhhhh

Cezy created a topic of Homeless/No Home

ughhh it’s frustrating!!! I feel so angry for Hara!! Her mother is sooo overbearing and she made her do that and suddenly she doesnt want her to do it??? jshehwh idk why im getting pressed its just a book.. its just a book….

Cezy created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

AGGHHH THE WAY HE GOT ON HIS KNEES DUDE…. hshs and like the way the guy is slightly possessive uhhggg usually i dont fawn over these types of tropes but goodness!!!!! i cant wait for the next chp (▰˘◡˘▰)

Cezy created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

gosh i hate myself… i hated sunny so much but ughhh its the way people treated him that made me feel so bad for him..!!!!! I wanna know about him now, i wanna know how he left, what hes doing, and other stuff ╥﹏╥ also i find it real funny how most of us found this book thru twt LAWLL

Cezy created a topic of My son is probably gay

ahhh i could feel myself starting to tear up when i got near the end… i love this book so much!!! I thought my views were gonna be the same here but if anything, it expanded more!! I really hope that someday we can just accept each other lolollll