I just want to say as far as gay sex choking is so mf vanilla one of the most plain and basic kinks not saying it isn’t sexy or cool it’s just not freak bitch

Oh yeah he’s definitely giving masochist and that’s kinky that’s freaky that’s BDSM vibes he definitely gives Dom brat outside the bedroom sub in the bedroom but choking ain’t freaky freak activity most straight/vanilla people have been or have or like choking and Erotic asphyxiation (EA) is really light play and a very common kink it’s very surface level compared to other breath play

Let me also mention that when choking your partner it’s for pleasure so you push on the sides of the neck blocking blood flow not as much damage and no pressure on the airways but he did want it darker by pressing the front which is blocking airflow and putting pressure on the airways which could be severely damaging or even deadly that’s like real choking not for play you could crush someone’s windpipe it literally takes 4 pounds of pressure in less than 10 seconds to seriously hurt/damage/crush a windpipe

Oh baby there’s nothing wrong with that I’m not kink shaming but more so kink explaining choking is more on the vanilla freaky side than the kinky freaky side like it’s 100% cool fine and dandy and somebody will match that freak but it’s a very tame level of freaky and low kink like I said it’s very common like a foot fetish type of thing it’s really low on the play scale and extremely low in terms of breath play people put themselves in control situations of breathing like drowning emulation, hanging, vacuums, people even wear full suits where you cannot breathe and your partner controls your oxygen intake choking is cool I’m not putting it down it’s just not it’s just not super kink real freak shit

My love I’m not saying this man ain’t a freak I’m saying choking ain’t freaky and in terms of kinks a lot of kinks come from childhood/trauma and plain experience not to mention a lot of people’s pain and pleasure receptors cross and i think his kink stems from the military he liked when he was forcefully kissed and then they fought that probably set him off and he could have engaged in self play or porn it’s extremely rare for a inexperienced individual to just jump into play but my point is I’m just saying people are acting like this was super freaky and it very vanilla in terms of play it’s like spanking or biting very common and low level especially when you know about play/bdsm, gay culture or just based off other books on here

Yall are truly giving victim blaming and shaming mentality with a sprinkle of abuser apologists

Everyone is calling the uke dumb and weak Come on y’all we literally seen seme Say that the abuse from his family was so much that his mom had to just leave behind her kids to be able to get away Let’s not forget all that the seme has done He literally emotionally manipulated him all throughout their college relationship Then when he found him and found out, he had a kid, he decided that they’re going to abide by his rules and threatened the uke With his friend and his friends restaurant saying that he would destroy them He isolates him forces him to quit his job, only allows him to interact with people he deems Forces him into a sexual relationship by using pheromones Uses his child and his child’s medical needs as a pawn and leverage Literally breaks down how he could never escape from him or if he tried he’d get custody , then forces him to Pretend to be in loving relationship Like this is literally classic abuse, and abusing methods We have a manipulation Sexual and emotional exploitation financial abuse Using loved ones for control and Anchorage loving bombing and affection based abuse of course the uke Mental state is going to deteriorate he’s going to be anxious. He’s going to be paranoid. He’s going to be in a constant state of survival his brain chemistry rewiring, and he’s trying to protect his child Trying to provide for his child he’s being abused

The term "abuse" means the knowing infliction of physical or psychological harm or the knowing deprivation of goods or services that are necessary to meet essential needs or to avoid physical or psychological harm. Abuse is when someone causes us harm or distress. It can take many forms, ranging from causing someone physical or mental pain. It can occur in many places and forms. Often the people who commit abuse are taking advantage of a special relationship. "abusive behaviour" means behaviour that consists of or involves-- (a) violence or threats against, or intimidation of, a person, or. (b) coercion or control of the person against whom the behaviour is directed.
What are the ten different types of abuse?
Physical abuse.
Domestic violence or abuse.
Sexual abuse.
Psychological or emotional abuse.
Financial or material abuse.
Modern slavery.
Discriminatory abuse.
Organisational or institutional abuse
Tactics can include but aren’t limited to
Loving bombing
Cold shouldering/ withholding of affection
Financial dominance
Power imbalance
Negging/ verbal attack
Emotional manipulation
Sexual exploitation/abuse
Conditioning through consequences and rewards
Status leverage
Use of child or loved ones or pets
Use of secrets
Mental or medical condition
Spiritual exertion
Gender or sexual Identity
Technological control
Racial or cultural
Documentation control
Threats, Coercion, Intimidation
Physical Violence

Tldr, good for you for copying and paste your research. Good thing to see people use the internet the right way but you need to learn more and reflect on life that no one has control over your life if you dont allow them to. Everything in our life is a result of our decision one way or another and let's take credit on that and not blame others as we have no control over them. If we want life to be better, we start within.

That’s crazy bc you are literally denying a victim and blaming a victim bc it doesn’t fit your standards when becoming a victim is the manipulation and lost of one’s self the abuser literally controls the victims life so they can continue their abuse and FORCE their agenda you don’t choose to be a victim it just happens no one wants to be a victim and he certainly didn’t choose either he ran away and was found and dragged back against his will he only came back bc the seme threatened his friend and the restaurants forced him to quit told him he’ll take legal action and gain custody if he didn’t come used their son having a rare medical condition as leverage to control him a use his love and need to protect his child against him he’s been oppressed financially emotionally and sexually he’s been isolated he has no one and no money how is he supposed to better himself if his child’s life is dependent on his abuser and yes I copied and pasted bc obviously you are incapable of seeing the classic signs of abuse your insensitive behavior is disrespectful to victims if you can’t see how this is by the book abuse maybe if I laid it out for you it would get through but no here you are double down on be a victim blaming and shaming person

Crazy how you don’t have the reading comprehension when I said abuse tactics include but are limited to and in the definition it literally never said that abuse is inflicted just on to someone else it word for word says "abuse" means the knowing infliction of physical or psychological harm or the knowing deprivation of goods or services that are necessary to meet essential needs or to avoid physical or psychological harm this doesn’t imply that one can’t abuse one’s self I guess common sense doesn’t apply here and your reading comprehension doesn’t help much either, does it

Istg if I just got done fucking someone and we’re cuddling in bed and they cut off our conversation to sleep and then call out someone else names id be wide awake not nightquill not the sand man himself self would be able to make me sleep after hearing that in fact it would take gods will and all of the kings horses and men BECAUSE WHO TF IS DERRICK

Honestly this is literally torture porn it’s continuous rape until chapter 29 and then when any semblance of romance or consensual intimacy occurs It happens for four chapters and by 35 then takes an absolutely horrific turn Shit is abhorrent this just 45 chapters of abuse and manipulation this isn’t just dark themes it’s absolutely twisted very much victim, shaming, blaming, and abuser apologist using abuse/victimhood as a romance material and plot device
I have severe ocd I’m a Completionist at my core and this was so hard to get through 45 chapters and no light or hope shit scrambled my brain