it's sad to see the absolute entitlement in this comment section.
first of all, the author didn't just drop this because "people can't pay" and they mad about "unofficial translations". do you realise why this only has 1 chap? cause the illegal scanslator took a very very new work from a new author and then translated & reposted it (quite terribly tbfh) illegally without their permission. you don't have to be an artist/creator to empathise with the author, but if you're not, then you have even less authority to speak on the matter cause you don't understand the amount of work & effort it takes to be one.
i pirate things cause in this economy who doesn't, but i don't act so fking entitled to get free luxuries cause yes these are luxuries not necessities. and i especially don't act entitled to small/indie creators, especially this creator who at the time when they posted potato trap (ON THEIR OWN PRIVATE BLOG iirc) was literally just starting out in the business.
i'm fortunate enough to have adult money now, but i was raised on scanlations so i get it, culture shouldn't be limited to the upper class. but lots of you forgeting that being a creative, especially a porn BL creator, isn't exactly bourgeois and all these illegal uploaders and scanlators AND READERS are ripping off from working class artists. and even the few artists who actually do make it big are also getting ripped off by the big corporation/publisher that they sign with.
so have some tact and respect pls. you all didn't experience years of waiting for even 1 chapter or having works dropped cause no one could get the raws and it shows. you wouldn't last a minute back in the good ol days of yaoi. this fast and accessible digital world has bred you toxic entitled mfs. pick up a pen and paper and try to even emulate a tenth of what these creators have to do, AND THEN you can run your mouth :3