Roia created a topic of Aesthetics of Unpleasantness

This manhwa got continuation from the creator and it will be airing on December, 6!!

Roia created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!

Is it just me, or their appearance resembled gojo and getou so much but with a switch character and I just realized that this manhwa is created by the same author of Nanohana boys, the fuck??? My ultimate favorite shounen-ai manhwa!!! I'm soooo excited for the next chapters, because the raws seems would be so funny

Roia created a topic of Aesthetics of Unpleasantness

Wait? So this is the end? The fuck??? I need mooooooooreee! At least I want to see them officially dating or something. And does Brett is a submissive alpha? If he is, there's probability that he would get pregnant like the bottom alpha from Okusama wa Alpha by Fuyu Natsushita.