I don’t know how to feel. This story has the potential to be so interesting, but every time something happens, it falls short in terms of their emotions. Dr. Yoo responding to the chief’s apology like that…is so wrong. He was literally tied up and almost r worded and he smiles and says it’s okay?? He should be having a breakdown. Where’s the sobbing and his bf comforting him?? And the confession, Gyeonghwan should’ve promised to protect Dr. Yoo even more. Like a romantic devotion. If nothing like this happens in the next chapter, this writer cannot form characters with realistic emotional responses. I still like this story and the art a lot, but it’s lacking so much…

My heart seriously can’t take this. I love how the author is dealing with the characters not being too confident or kind to themselves. It’s not something that can be fixed right away just because you’re loved. It makes it so much more real that they continue to struggle in a natural way, while still getting the happiness they deserve. This story is just too good man

Soon as I saw Min I groaned and then Haechan and I wanted to break his fingers… But Jeonsu confessing because he really wants Seong Ha to know he’s right behind him to support no matter what. It’s not just a confession of love , but loyalty as well <3 I hope Seong Ha lunges at him next time they see each other
Our main three are so cute I love them sm. This story, no matter how short the chapters are getting, is really making me cry.
And now we are getting an arc centered around my favorite character, Balam? Uh, HELLO. I’m excited. I love him