As much as I want it to be a happy ending, I don't know how the author will put an end to it. Will Banwoo kill Haegu? After all, he promised to to kill the demon/devil. And we all know who he's referring to. He disappeared to god knows where. Probably to train himself inorder to kill Haegu
As much as I want it to be a happy ending, I don't know how the author will put an end to it. Will Banwoo kill Haegu? After all, he promised to to kill the demon/devil. And we all know who he's referring to. He disappeared to god knows where. Probably to train himself inorder to kill Haegu
I think he will do that, Kill Haegu, and then I will be depressed forever.
I hope they kill that boy banwoo first
Same. My heart already aches just from thinking about it.
We're all hoping that would happen.