Meowster January 4, 2021 6:46 pm

Dude I love Liam more and more as we get glimpses of him. He’s such a bro, he backed off with Wooyoung once he found out that Wooyoung had an actual bf, and now they’re friends that go out drinking together. Cute af. FIND LIAM A CUTE ASS OMEGA AUTHOR! ONE AS CUTE AS WOO YOUNG

Meowster December 19, 2020 10:33 am

I can’t speak for anyone but myself, and if anyone is personally bullying the author they should be ashamed. However, bringing up valid critiques of the author’s work is not bullying. Bringing up concerns about where this is headed, of constructive criticism about what you don’t like about something is not bullying.

For example, if someone said ‘hey I don’t like how you’re being loud and distracting when we’re in the library’ that’s not bullying. That’s constructive criticism. That’s different where bullying is unwarranted and comes from almost nowhere.

I really think you need to clarify and restructure what your definition of bullying is, because otherwise, in the real world, you’re never going to learn and grow as a person if you blame everyone who doesn’t hold a positive opinion of you as ‘bullying’. How are you going to grow if you don’t learn from your mistakes? You’d be a shitty human being.

    Sus Guy December 19, 2020 10:40 am

    Slow clap for you dear. Seriously, I'm done with kids defending another kid. Smh.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 10:45 am

    Also the author knew fully well that any work she put out there, whether it’d be art, story, or even a tweet or picture, people will critique. It’d be stupid and really naive of her not expect this, and honestly? If she is this sensitive to criticism, calling it ‘bullying’, I wouldn’t want to be around such a sensitive person at all.

Meowster December 19, 2020 10:15 am

Right, so since this message board is turning to ‘rape is evil and all you people reading this support rape and are evil’:

Omg I finally get what this comment section is like. It’s like pre-ending Killing Stalking, when everyone was ragging on about the readers and calling them supportive of rape, serial killers, and murder. Yet now it’s THE most popular yaoi manga on this site with an enviable rating. It’s the story I go back to and it’s the story that sticks with me long after I’ve finished it. If we agreed with everything we read, I think there would be a shit ton more serial killers with mother fetishes judging by the view count of Killing Stalking.

Or like first person shooter games. Sooo many people play it. Are they gonna suddenly pop outta their homes and start shooting people IRL? No. Otherwise we’d all be dead already.

Okay, ya’ll, repeat it with me: JUST BECAUSE YOU READ IT DOESN’T MEAN YOU SUPPORT IT. Reading is supposed to bring you to different worlds and different perspectives, and you might like something in fantasy but not in real life. (Aka yandere guys are everywhere in yaoi, and I love those stories to death, but do I want a yandere bf? NO.)

Rape is problematic. I as a fucking female under threat of it all the time when I go out know it all too fucking well. You don’t need to be telling me rape is goddamn problematic. Just let me enjoy this story without being a fucking snowflake about it.

    TheGreatFujoshi December 19, 2020 10:21 am

    Agree 100%!! It's FICTION!!!
    People need to understand what that means. Just read it and not bring real life matters into this.

    BubblegumB!tch December 19, 2020 10:24 am

    I felt attacked about the Killing and Stalking one. I only finished season 1 and then I was like "FREEDOM" but oh my god, out of all the things I've read, Killing Stalking is literally the one thing that I don't think I'll ever forget.

    Sakata Ginko December 19, 2020 10:37 am

    Don't bother sweetie. There is always someone who will let you know they doesn't support rape and you're the devil for supporting it in a story coming from the mind of a human being like them. In a story driven by rape, like it or not makes you a rapist, expose a breakdown of the rapist makes you a rapist supporter and make a point about the flaw you find in the victim you're a supporter of victim blaming. Either way, you're fucked up, YOU ARE AN EVIL SUPPORTER, even when you despise such acts irl. I'm so tired of it but from time to time I go along with them when I'm bored...
    I think that for a Mortal Kombat player like me, I need to go out, tear someone's ribcage and smack them with it...

    Meowster December 19, 2020 11:04 am
    Don't bother sweetie. There is always someone who will let you know they doesn't support rape and you're the devil for supporting it in a story coming from the mind of a human being like them. In a story driven... Sakata Ginko

    Ah, well, I always feel obligated to try. Not to come up with a new response, since I just copy paste what I wrote here and it’s just so much work explaining everything over and over again, but you know. To defend all those who might feel guilty engaging with touchy manga, and encourage people to recognize the difference between fiction and reality.

    And if I can help someone get their head out of their ass, then all the better

    Meowster December 19, 2020 11:05 am
    I felt attacked about the Killing and Stalking one. I only finished season 1 and then I was like "FREEDOM" but oh my god, out of all the things I've read, Killing Stalking is literally the one thing that I don'... BubblegumB!tch

    Killing Stalking is a masterpiece and it’s also goddamn horrifying. I love it but I don’t think I can read it twice

Meowster December 19, 2020 8:50 am

I don’t think people understand this but. This is a fucking story, which means that we expect character growth and plot progression, and expect it in a timely manner. Otherwise people will rightfully be bored and frustrated and angry.

Do people in real life stay stuck in horrible situations and not learn from their experiences for years or if ever? Obviously yes. But that’s not the point. The point is that this is a STORY and we expect some progression in the story after goddamn 63 long chapters. We’re reading the same sex scene with slight variations in trauma over and over again, with minimal plot but maximal sex.

Nakyum is static as a character, forever the weak and naive beauty, never learning from his traumas or experiences or mistakes and forever being silenced or taken advantaged of. Does this happen in real life? Yes. Is Nakyum not a real life character but something we are consuming for entertainment? YES. So we expect growth and we expect plot and we expect it not to take forever and a year for both these things to happen.

People have the right to be pissed at this story, and I ain’t taking no more ‘but Nakyum baby’ from anyone else anymore.

Meowster December 19, 2020 8:10 am

I feel bad for Nakyum but he needs some goddamn character growth. He’s forever the weak and naive beauty, and he’s learned nothing from the multiple traumas he’s faced. He’s static as a character and been static for 63 long chapters, and this is finally an opportunity for the author to actually let him speak and be heard. Yet he’s again relegated to being a victim and letting himself be acted upon instead of taking control of his story.

At this point, you can replace Nakyum with a doll and they’d serve the same purpose - just a sex toy. The point of using a human character is that they grow and learn from their situations and mistakes. Nakyum is doing neither of these things.

I’m frustrated at the plot and at the character development, and how the plot seems to be repeating over and over again with minimal plot and maximal sex. This is getting boring. To those who are defending Nakyum, whatever, but people are frustrated that this story is dragging on and on with no end or development in sight. We deserve to voice that this is bullshit.

    cassie December 19, 2020 8:11 am

    i agree but i think it's kinda hard for him to have character growth in that kind of environment. it's like new day new trauma for him.

    raika00 December 19, 2020 8:14 am

    I totally agree

    Meowster December 19, 2020 8:16 am
    i agree but i think it's kinda hard for him to have character growth in that kind of environment. it's like new day new trauma for him. cassie

    That’s my point. This story is just a march of traumas for Nakyum, but he learns nothing from each experience. There’s no growth, he doesn’t adapt, there’s not even a reflection on what he’s been through. There’s nothing to say that’s he’s overcome, and grown as a person. Even if there were new traumas (which is to my point about how this manga is so repetitive with the same trauma except tweaked a little), Nakyum should still be able to use what he learned from his experience and adapt.

    The most valuable trait of all animals is to adapt, because otherwise they would die. And Nakyum ain’t adapting.

    Akiraferior December 19, 2020 8:26 am

    it’s hard to mentally grow when you’re getting raped and kidnapped

    Daisy December 19, 2020 8:26 am

    I totally agree

    Meowster December 19, 2020 8:33 am
    it’s hard to mentally grow when you’re getting raped and kidnapped Akiraferior

    He’s forever going to be raped and kidnapped if he doesn’t change his situation. Again, my point: Nakyum is acted upon by various characters, and he doesn’t actually do anything to change his situation or even reflect and think on his situation. He doesn’t even actively need to do anything for the bare minimum of character growth, he just needs to think about what’s happening to him or even why it’s happening to him. There’s no difference when one trauma happens to him or another, he reacts the exact same way, which is to just take it.

    There’s no growth in character, minimal and repetitive plot, and quite frankly, it’s getting boring.

    I don’t think you understand that beyond Nakyum as a character, he’s a character in a book we’re reading. And we as readers are fucking bored of the same shit. Does this happen in real life, where people are stuck in horrible positions and don’t grow for years, if ever? Obviously. But this is a story, and it needs to be moving. Otherwise, and rightfully so, people will be upset and frustrated and BORED.

    Sakata Ginko December 19, 2020 8:48 am

    I couldn't agree more. Nakyum has everything to be the dominant uke of the story. But we have to take into account that he had a fighting spirit. His fighting spirit was broken by In-hun calling him a prostitute.

    Even if we as readers or Seungho always knew who he was, Inhun was a role model for Nakyum, he loved him and aspired to cheer him whenever he could. Before that he was fighting against Seungho, standing for himself, hated Seungho's behaviour even when he was afraid. The first time his mind was broken was because of Inhun. The second time was because of masked No name. I don't count Seungho and his lord bitches because he is just a means to an end for Nakyum.

    I will give him some time to regain his senses. The author has to make it happen otherwise I will have to go with what you're saying.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 9:05 am
    I couldn't agree more. Nakyum has everything to be the dominant uke of the story. But we have to take into account that he had a fighting spirit. His fighting spirit was broken by In-hun calling him a prostitut... Sakata Ginko

    I’d agree with you, but I’m still supremely frustrated how Nakyum is continually bending over and being a doormat.

    Per my most recent comment, this is a story we are consuming for entertaining. Do people in real life stay for years in maladaptive environments and never grow? Obviously yes. But this is a STORY. Is Nakyum not a real life person but something we are consuming for entertainment? YES. So we expect character growth, and we expect plot progression, we we expect that both will come in a timely manner, or readers will be rightfully frustrated and angry and bored. Is this author accomplishing the goals of growth and plot? From all the comments, I’d say that’s an emphatic no.

    Queenofsleep December 19, 2020 9:25 am
    I’d agree with you, but I’m still supremely frustrated how Nakyum is continually bending over and being a doormat. Per my most recent comment, this is a story we are consuming for entertaining. Do people in... Meowster

    So you want nk to grow but what about his rapist? Like this sounds really like victim blaming and it's disgusting. You expect the person being abused to grow? And do what? Survive where? He has nothing. Nobody. Sk is abusing his power to rape him and nobody cares. Make him grow to nut be a rapist. I don't understand y'all and y'all always protecting these trash ass rapists

    Sakata Ginko December 19, 2020 9:38 am
    So you want nk to grow but what about his rapist? Like this sounds really like victim blaming and it's disgusting. You expect the person being abused to grow? And do what? Survive where? He has nothing. Nobody.... Queenofsleep

    Why there is always the need for someone to bring the term "victim blaming" when we are discussing about a character flaw??? I'm facepalming so much I could gouge out my eyes right now.... Do you see someone "victim blaming" anyone here? It's always mind-boggling to read a short-sighted reaction like the one you're making right now...

    Meowster December 19, 2020 9:39 am
    So you want nk to grow but what about his rapist? Like this sounds really like victim blaming and it's disgusting. You expect the person being abused to grow? And do what? Survive where? He has nothing. Nobody.... Queenofsleep

    Omg. You really do like to make a mountain outta a molehill don’t you? Quit assuming, because that makes an ass outta you. I’m not fucking defending rape and rapists, and I can’t believe I have to state this, but I goddamn do not support rape. As a fucking woman living in this world who fears even going outside when it’s dark, who has to carry pepper spray everywhere, you don’t need to fucking impress upon me that rape is bad. I fucking know it, because I fucking live in that reality.

    I’m not saying that Seungho is blameless. I even explicitly mention that he inflicts trauma on Nakyum constantly, and he’s a large part of why Nakyum is in a shitty situation. Does he desperately need character growth, if not complete abandonment of his character? Obviously. No one’s goddamn saying that he’s perfect. If you even analyzed my argument, the core is that I am pissed about how this story is going. No one’s doing anything except fucking, there’s barely any plot, and there’s barely/no character growth.

    And honestly, you should get off this site and stay off it if you’re gonna get this goddamn defensive about rape. This site holds many unpleasant surprises for you

    Meowster December 19, 2020 9:42 am
    Why there is always the need for someone to bring the term "victim blaming" when we are discussing about a character flaw??? I'm facepalming so much I could gouge out my eyes right now.... Do you see someone "v... Sakata Ginko

    Preach sis

    Sakata Ginko December 19, 2020 10:16 am
    I’d agree with you, but I’m still supremely frustrated how Nakyum is continually bending over and being a doormat. Per my most recent comment, this is a story we are consuming for entertaining. Do people in... Meowster

    I've read your recent comment and I agree. We only differ in the timing of the events. I would have been more entertained if the abduction lasted a bit longer instead of being used as a cheap plot device to hinder the characters growth. But given the recent chapters that are a bit predictable, I will shut my reasoning for my entertainment now. It was good to know your point of view about the story.
    I find those kind of discussion enjoyable. If it wasn't for the one up there in a competition for the next miss "victim blaming", that would have been really peaceful.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 10:21 am
    I've read your recent comment and I agree. We only differ in the timing of the events. I would have been more entertained if the abduction lasted a bit longer instead of being used as a cheap plot device to hin... Sakata Ginko

    Yeah, I really enjoyed our discussion too! It made me realize that my frustration with the chapter wasn’t because of Nakyum per say, but with the direction and pace the story is going. And honestly, these rape comments pop up on almost every yaoi. I even have a canned response I give them. They just don’t bring anything to the conversation on that specific manga, besides ‘rape is wrong’ which I think we can all agree with.

    The heck! December 19, 2020 10:58 am
    Yeah, I really enjoyed our discussion too! It made me realize that my frustration with the chapter wasn’t because of Nakyum per say, but with the direction and pace the story is going. And honestly, these rap... Meowster

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. After all the shit he goes through, Nakyum doesn't lash out. The plot doesn't move. After Jung inhun was out of the scene, the plot really started to become slow and now completely stagnant. Was this sex/rape scene necessary at this point of story? If you assume someone is rejecting your romantic advances, do you have sex them and cling to them more? A normal person will try to distance himself if ever rejected this badly. Only a psycho will do the clingy/ rapey shit. Author is turning Seungho into a psycho. I understand that he had a troubled life but he still is the main lead. He reacting in this petty manner doesn't make him any different than a street thug. Why Nakyum would choose him over anyone else? What quality Seungho has that is so special?!

Meowster December 19, 2020 7:46 am

To everyone defending Nakyum’s silence: I get it plot-wise, but it’s frustrating as fuck. Let me put it this way, from a meta-POV:

A) the story is not going anywhere. It’s basically 1) Nakyum gets degraded/hurt in some way 2) Nakyum gets sexed by Seungho 3) some relationship progress happens before it’s all quickly wiped away 4) repeat step 1. The plot is repetitious, with slight changes in detail in each ‘arc’. You have to understand why readers are so upset when they see some form of progress between Nakyum and Seungho, only for it to be yet again wiped away or delayed. It’s been 63 chapters of very slow and very cyclical plot progression.

B) Nakyum is static as a character. All he does is suffer. He doesn’t learn from his trauma, doesn’t grow as a character (much less grow a backbone), he’s forever the weak beauty that’s naive. And it’s getting frustrating. It’s been 63 chapters, it’s time he stop just taking shit and start thinking

    SisterFriede December 19, 2020 7:47 am

    Highy agreed

    allie December 19, 2020 7:51 am

    YES PERIODT!! omg im so frustrated with nakyum bc he static as hell. like siz nakyum it's been 63 chaps just leave seungho's ass already. or idk, grow some balls lmaoo.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 7:57 am
    YES PERIODT!! omg im so frustrated with nakyum bc he static as hell. like siz nakyum it's been 63 chaps just leave seungho's ass already. or idk, grow some balls lmaoo. allie

    Lol, nice to see someone else who isn’t obsessed with just the sex scenes. I swear, some readers are like ‘they’re just two naked bodies’ and don’t care about plot progression or character growth or good conclusions/endings to stories. This plot is frustrating as hell because there almost isn’t any plot, because 70-90% of the chapters are devoted to sex scenes

    SisterFriede December 19, 2020 8:13 am
    Lol, nice to see someone else who isn’t obsessed with just the sex scenes. I swear, some readers are like ‘they’re just two naked bodies’ and don’t care about plot progression or character growth or g... Meowster

    This story is actu aslly on a crossroad right now. Will we finally see the char a cters grow, or will it continue to go like this.
    Something tells me the author is doung this on purpose; upset us, and then come with something mind blowing.

    SisterFriede December 19, 2020 8:14 am
    This story is actu aslly on a crossroad right now. Will we finally see the char a cters grow, or will it continue to go like this.Something tells me the author is doung this on purpose; upset us, and then come ... SisterFriede

    Ugh sorry for bad spelling, I type faster than my phone can keep up XD

    Coco goddess December 19, 2020 8:17 am

    Omg this im like so is he going to spend his life like this ! People get mad at Seungho but Nakyum makes me really like bruh why do you keep letting people walk all over you. I can't like I said I love all the characters in this story but I can't with the timidly way he acts. Maybe it stems from my reality I do not know how to handle extra weak and timid people and it makes me mad ! Like stand up for yourself.

Meowster December 19, 2020 6:51 am

Did Nakyum's mouth get sewn shut? Did his brain turn to mush from the hate sex? Why the fuck won't he say the TRUTH damnit, this is the stupidest misunderstanding I swear to god.

Author better have a good explanation as to why Nakyum's speaking, because if I was that boy, I'd be screaming my head off

    Marie || nini <3 December 19, 2020 6:59 am

    jinhwan (the dude who had hired someone to murder namkyun) had told him that if he told anyone what happened, he would make sure to kill namkyun. obviously namkyun just suffered through a v traumatic experience, he’s not going to think straight, especially after a death threat from his kidnapper :/

    Meowster December 19, 2020 7:38 am
    jinhwan (the dude who had hired someone to murder namkyun) had told him that if he told anyone what happened, he would make sure to kill namkyun. obviously namkyun just suffered through a v traumatic experience... Marie || nini <3

    From a plot perspective:
    This is getting repetitive. Nakyum suffers, sex happens, some relationship progress happens, only for it all to be reversed and you repeat the cycle again. There’s no satisfying end, no break to the rollercoaster, and if you couldn’t tell from the amount of readers complaining, they’re getting sick and tired of the same thing happening over and over again.

    From inside the story perspective: Seungho can’t protect Nakyum? He’s one of the powerfulest people in the place, and he literally owns Nakyum. I’m frustrated because instead of responding or thinking over his actions, Nakyum is just always goddamn reacting. He’s not growing as a character from all this abuse, he’s just a shriveled up flower that just takes everything. It’s frustrating when you expect a character to grow from their trauma (Nakyum being sold as basically a sex slave as a favor for his old lover, Nakyum being raped multiple times, Nakyum being degraded and humiliated for basically the entire story) but instead he’s still the same old static character that’s ‘beautiful but weak and naive’.

    Maybe I’m expecting too much from this story.

    Coco goddess December 19, 2020 8:24 am
    From a plot perspective:This is getting repetitive. Nakyum suffers, sex happens, some relationship progress happens, only for it all to be reversed and you repeat the cycle again. There’s no satisfying end, n... Meowster

    Lol I felt that last part to my core I wonder how the author will turn this story around or is she just going to let him stay "beautiful but weak and naive"?

    Marie || nini <3 December 19, 2020 8:41 am
    From a plot perspective:This is getting repetitive. Nakyum suffers, sex happens, some relationship progress happens, only for it all to be reversed and you repeat the cycle again. There’s no satisfying end, n... Meowster

    i completely understand your frustration, but i’m also wondering what you expected from a story like this?

    as you said, seungho owns namkyun. as you also mentioned, he is very powerful. there is a very skewed power balance between the two of them. seungho does not see namkyun as a person, he sees him as property, and because of his status, because of his physical strength, because of his wealth, he is pretty much able to do whatever he wants with namkyun, leaving namkyun unable to resist. that’s just how things are. it’s unrealistic to expect namkyun to know what to do in his situation. there are abuse victims in this day and age who never get out of their abusive relationship because they just don’t know how, and some are brainwashed to feel like escape is something entirely impossible. namkyun doesn’t feel like he can escape. he walks on eggshells. his continuous traumatic experience are teaching him to do nothing, because in the past when he has actually done something, he’s suffered greatly. it’s just not worth it to him.

    also, in regards to seungho being able to protect him; the fact that namkyun was so easily kidnapped in the first place shows that he cannot. try putting yourself in namkyun’s position. he was kidnapped. two people attempted to murder him. the only reason he wasn’t murdered was not because they couldn’t kill him, but because they didn’t WANT to. he was let go, but under the threat that if he told anyone he would be killed. he was already kidnapped, and the only reason he wasn’t murdered was purely because jinhwan changed his mind in that moment, i imagine he’s thinking that there is absolutely nothing stopping him from actually following it out in the future. jinhwan already risked a lot by carrying out his plan to begin with, he really doesn’t have anything to lose by trying once again. he also has means to make sure that namkyun’s murder would never be traced back to him. it’s really not as simple as namkyun just refuses to speak, and that seungho could easily protect him.

    this is a fucked up story. the characters are fucked, the plot is fucked.. everything is fucked. if you’re looking for a story where the underdog who was abused prevails and somehow comes out on top, you’re not gonna get that here. it’s just not realistic, especially for the time period.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 8:44 am
    i completely understand your frustration, but i’m also wondering what you expected from a story like this? as you said, seungho owns namkyun. as you also mentioned, he is very powerful. there is a very skewed... Marie || nini <3

    I don’t think people understand this but. This is a fucking story, which means that we expect character growth and plot progression, and expect it in a timely manner. Otherwise people will rightfully be bored and frustrated and angry.

    Do people in real life stay stuck in horrible situations and not learn from their experiences for years or if ever? Obviously yes. But that’s not the point. The point is that this is a STORY and we expect some progression in the story after goddamn 63 long chapters. We’re reading the same sex scene with slight variations in trauma over and over again, with minimal plot but maximal sex.

    Nakyum is static as a character, forever the weak and naive beauty, never learning from his traumas or experiences or mistakes and forever being silenced or taken advantaged of. Does this happen in real life? Yes. Is Nakyum not a real life character but something we are consuming for entertainment? YES. So we expect growth and we expect plot and we expect it not to take forever and a year for both these things to happen.

    People have the right it be pissed at this story.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 8:47 am
    i completely understand your frustration, but i’m also wondering what you expected from a story like this? as you said, seungho owns namkyun. as you also mentioned, he is very powerful. there is a very skewed... Marie || nini <3

    (I appreciate your answer and the fact that you defended yourself. But it still doesn’t get to the core of why this chapter was so deeply unsatisfying)

    Marie || nini <3 December 19, 2020 9:04 am
    I don’t think people understand this but. This is a fucking story, which means that we expect character growth and plot progression, and expect it in a timely manner. Otherwise people will rightfully be bored... Meowster

    Again, I completely understand your frustration. I was pissed reading this chapter as well. Things are not going at all how I had wanted, but I’ve come to accept that this is probably how things are going to be for awhile.

    I understand that Namkyun is a character, and that readers are going to want him to grow throughout the story. I think that how Namkyun has acted is perfectly understandable, I think it’s realistic. That doesn’t mean it’s not irritating. I think the author is really going for a slow burn type story. I think I read somewhere that she likes seeing him suffer. I genuinely don’t see you getting the change you want anytime soon. At the moment, there really isn’t much Namkyun can do. Imo, how the story goes from here on out & how Namkyun grows as a character is going to rely heavily on Seungho & the side characters actions/thoughts. Hopefully in the next chapter Mr.Kim does something, because as things are now, Seungho is just going to stay the rage filled, emotionally constipated man that he is, and Namkyun is going to stay in this endless loop of abuse ://

    I really do understand your frustration, reading the last few chapters has left me very upset & angry, but I’ve accepted the fact that this is just how the author intends for things to be. Accepted, but definitely not happy.

Meowster December 6, 2020 7:52 pm

@nervous_joy Yo, the uploader already apologized and is trying to rectify their mistake. Stop being an asshole and annoying them and everyone on this comment page. You do know you’re reading on an illegal site right? Get off your high horse. You’re no better than everyone on here. You’re being so whiny. Grow up.

The uploader apologized and is trying to remove their chapter. They also explained to the translator and the translator forgave them, and the uploader promises not to do it again. Uploader, just ignore this whiny bitch.

    GRAY SKIES December 6, 2020 7:53 pm

    Thank you for understanding mate.
    My head was spinning a while ago.

    Meowster December 6, 2020 7:56 pm
    Thank you for understanding mate.My head was spinning a while ago. GRAY SKIES

    Just ignore them. Life is full of assholes, if you give them undue attention they’ll just be worse. Just ignore them, learn from your mistakes, and move on. You did the best you could and tried to fix your mistake and that’s admirable. This particular asshole just thrives off attention and being a ‘holier than thou’. Don’t respond any more to their messages.

    GRAY SKIES December 6, 2020 8:10 pm
    Just ignore them. Life is full of assholes, if you give them undue attention they’ll just be worse. Just ignore them, learn from your mistakes, and move on. You did the best you could and tried to fix your mi... Meowster

    I'm planning on doing that

    Clary December 7, 2020 2:20 am
    Thank you for understanding mate.My head was spinning a while ago. GRAY SKIES

    Thank you for uploading! Ignore the hypocrisy in the comments... I personally couldn’t be happier!! So, again thanks and it was appreciated! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Meowster November 27, 2020 12:04 am

The story so far:
*presentation happens*
Sangwoo’s Evaluation of Sunbae: -20
Sunbae: time to fuck shit up and annoy the ever-living fuck outta Sangwoo
Sangwoo’s Eval: -10000
Sunbae: wait I didn’t mean it that way pls love me

Jesus Christ sunbae make up your damn mind

    Shiddon November 27, 2020 12:10 am

    Sunbae is so smitten already ●///////●

Meowster October 23, 2020 6:06 am

Like, Jaehwan, if you have lingering feelings for your old flame (to the point where to hide your past and lie that you're just meeting a 'friend', and ignore a meeting with your actual bf to take care of this 'friend' and then lie to your bf AGAIN about who you were with) just BREAK UP with Dongho. It's unfair to him that he's thrown himself whole-heartedly into this relationship, and you're still chasing after someone else.

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