soo is he the "real asperier"? coz i thought blue handkerchief was the real one and owen the cute one (my love) has the yellow handkerchief which was not present on the latest chap. coz damn this is driving me CRAZZYYY i feel like i need to read this again or am i just tripping

That's a really good question. At this point, I just accept the original Asperier got split on half, Horacrux style - both are parts of him that split and started to evolve differently. While the first two are 50% Asper, the others are less percentages. While they still have a part of the original LI, they've grown and matured in different ways because of different influences, like one turned into a Brickshithouse because of the military but he still has Asper's mischievous and possessive nature. SUPER excited to see how the others turned out (And I can't wait for long haired Asper!)

I believe they state that clones are all the same but are heavily affected by the main owen. The reason that they are different from each other has to due with their environment. At least they haven't said about others being weaker than each other. The handkerchief owen looks the same as the main because they stay in the same environment. And the main owen uses him as an body double
i think i need spoilers