I want to translate again huhuhu but can't commit and i'm missing my apple pencil

4 am and what the hell am I doing hahaha I might be able to upload the next chap of the great saint in a day or 2. But really, staying up to translate is not healthy hahaha

Tired everydayyy. Sighh but I feel so bad for not translating so I tried to do some pages at 12mn. But after 1 hr (and 5 pages), I felt so sleepy lol hopefully I can post something by next week

Not sure when I'll be able to upload but I'm about 75% done with the next chapter

I got about 10 pages left. I'll probably upload in a day or 2

Sigh. On top of my persistent headache, I suddenly got a lot of things to do

I have a few pages left for ch 26. Darn, I hate the amount of texts in this chapter

Not sure if I can upload on the 7th lol. My brain just won't cooperate

Yoww, I super can't translate today hahahaha hopefully I can still post a chap 4 days later hahahaha 11/39 completed so I need about 10 per day if I want to have a one day allowance hayy me and mg imaginary deadlines HAHAHAHA

Sighh was held up for quite a while. Will upload in about 30 mins

Done with ch 24 mah hart pls will upload on the 30th probablyy

how_did_i_get_here followed a goer

Procrastinating on this site despite having a lot to do

27 01,2023

Huhu ch 24 is so.... frustrating to translate. In more ways than one lol

Whew, I'm almost done with ch 23 but I might upload it on the 26th just to be consistent with my 4-day gaps these last few chapters hahaha

I got a few pages left to translate in ch 22. I'm squeezing my brain for every bit of comprehension skills I don't have HAHAHAHAHA anyway, might upload tomorrow or the day after (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Ch 22 got 34 pages hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha RIP me.

I'll be going to the province for a few days, not sure if I'll be able to translate and upload while I'm there... I'll try thoughh, I have like 5 pages lest for ch 21 ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Uploading the reincarnated saint's ch 20 in 1-2 days. But hopefully I'll be able to finish it tomorrow. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

how_did_i_get_here followed a goer
13 01,2023
how_did_i_get_here followed a goer
13 01,2023