I just read the raws (spoilers) and trust me Param starts regrettting everything( serves him right) . After the date Hwi found out he slept with someone the day before their date and told Param that they should stop seeing each other if he likes someome else Hwi ends up leaving heartbroken and Param starting to realize he made a mistake ( lol he a dumb bitch who can easily be manipulated whacha expect) Anyways currently in the raws hes sick and his lesbian friend came over and Param told her everything and I think she starting explaining how Mr Han is manipulting him and using him( duhhh if he really is gonna " cHaNgE" he wouldnt be doing all those crappy things and guilt tripping him) . Lol then she calls Hwi and told him Param is sick then Hwi went to Params aparment instead of going inside to talk to him he just knocked and left some thigs for Hwi I think it was food and medicine( awww even when Param broke his heart he still cares) then when Param opened the door he saw the stuff that was left and looked out the window and saw Hwi , thats it for now. I hope its Param who tries to fix the realationship not Hwi cause Hwi deserves better . I hope Mr Han will change , go away and leave them alone and find his own happiness witout manipulating , hurting and using amnyone.
I just read the raws (spoilers) and trust me Param starts regrettting every...