I feel like this story is pretty realistic about a relationship when someone cheats. He said let’s take a break and they even got there own places. I don’t think they got back together too quickly at all. He said they could work on their relationship and they are. It’s obvious that he was full of regret. I don’t like cheaters but I did really enjoy this story.
I liked this!!! It’s not bad like everyone is making it out to be! I think that the first couple is working out. I don’t thunk that the uke is using him. It’s normal to take time to get over someone and it doesn’t mean that he is just using him. I think it’s genuine. And for the guy with the pink hair I think he just has a twisted personality. I think him and the uke are over with, there’s nothing between them.
Omg 10 our of 5 stars. This was fucking amazing, right up my alley with the kind of stories I like. Man father of the year award right here!!!! Spoilers **************
I’m really bummed that manny died. I felt like he started to come around as a better person until I read what he said to the father. It’s weird to think that at the end this psychopath loved his family. Especially his son. Poor mother. I mean who could blame her for what she did? But it’s not the kids fault that the father was so fucking messed up. Anyways. I’ll def read this again
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