Spoilers and venting ahead....
As the readers we see all things that happen and have to impatiently wait until certain characters realize what's going on or comes out of denial on their own since they don't have the same info. I liked those moments when Clodan reasearched his curse just to come up empty when he couldn't break it, when he genuinely told Ray he doesn't know what love is, while at the same time he allows himself to get swept up in whatever emotion takes him: rage, jealousy, and lust. It broke my heart a little when he allowed her to chase after the bunny, knowing she wouldn't want to harm while knowing he wanted to corrupt her. I also wonder about that little Clodan she saw in her vision that was trying to help her stay true to herself. Clodan masterminded Ray's grandpa to send her there for entertainment and didn't expect to like her lack of ultrerior motives and trust so much. She begged to be allowed to know what was happening, I understood not telling her at first but to keep her so in the dark is irritating. Should I not have the option to know I won't be human anymore? I like Ray but I wonder if there will be real character development for either since Clodan can be incredibly selfish and greedy, the beastly nature is coming through alright, but will this be a devastating end where Clodan is just as lonely because Ray hates him or prentends he doesn't exist, maybe she escapes? Or will she become strong enough to stand up to nonsensical behavior, give him clear ground rules for how he treats her and at least if he lies to everyone else don't lie to her, I want some taming and apologizing.