The beginning started with the FL wanting to know something no one else was as worried about when reading the main storyline. Did the OGFL love the ML? What was the abyss she was doomed to suffer in at the hand of the person she brainwashed? We all know inquiry into any character may mean you get transported to that world.

*spoiler and thoughts…*

She got more than she bargained for, but as I read more (the initial chapters) she’s tormented by her own family and wanted to steal affection, someone whose very existence relied on her for semblance of any comfort, then that person would end her. There’s in-depth parts in this. Both the OGFL and ML were disregarded. When there’s abuse like this I just hope for healing for the victims and for them make sense of the world.

Ch. 8 was *chef’s kiss* love how she stood up for her people and was yet again attempting her “villainess divorce scheme.” ヾ(☆▽☆)


Ch 14 explains POV of emperor and honestly even though the OGFL was written as frugal and sweet. She never stood up for the empress or challenged the emperor on her mistreatment, so like him she always has ulterior motives. However, it interest me this whole falling in love for the possible first time, he liked OGFL but I don’t know if he loved her. It seems he’s truly attracted to someone who doesn’t just do what he says and is just a good empress, but one that challenges and within reason does what she wants, throw a dash of strategy in. #-.-) still makes me sad about the OG Robella.

Justice for Robella! like what the FL said...I didn't even see any traditional/cliche signs of villainess who insults or harasses the OGFL. Obviously, the FL doesn't know that when you empathize with the antagonist/villain/villainess you may just end up being that character. She was an empress whose only sin seemed she loved the emperor too much, if anything this could have been a nice throuple scenario. I agree with others the emperor had no reason not to grow to love the OG empress...I wish there would be some genuine building of trust and apologies. There won't be but that would be surprisingly good for emperor's character, while I'm sad that the OGFL is gonna be nasty overall.

Im impatient so Im waiting until the story catches up with the first chapter's future where the FL's new and actual family is smitten with her. I understand but it pisses me off with these storylines where the child is blamed for killing their mother (maybe at first because of the grief) but when the whole household does it it's heartbreaking. Also, it makes me long for some kind of respect for actually being a good older sibling or child, its terrible when you see a child literally get away with everything, then what happens when they commit major crimes or murder? Oh no, what happened...I didn't raise them this way?! You're right, you didn't raise them at all you sorry excuses for parents. Anyway, I love how the children can open up and actually have a childhood with the addition of the FL and look forward to her and her husband believing in people again.

Don't get me wrong I'd play this Otome.

Just the some of the multitude of questions/thoughts that came to mind up ahead (these questions may be answered later)...

I think a I have to turn some of brain-off...since I wonder did the duke just have a lot of free time and didn't have to worry about his duchy? no one wondered where he was, I know he said he usually is around a lot women but still. The knight who wanted to protect the OGFL, was he her personal knight, even still is the empire so safe that we all can be worry free locked up in a mansion? The high priest, what is he doing here, I know the temple would want him back. The OGFL's family isn't looking for her? This butler character, I like him, but everyone knows to suspect the butler by now.

Ive definitely seen FL's that are all about their fun and don't take the main story-line too seriously just to find the other characters like them more, but this FL is true to doing what she wants and barely following what the system wants which is kinda refreshing. I like the antagonist as the main LI, but I always find myself wanting good partners for everyone involved or possibly for the FL to have a close friend or family member to transmigrate with her for them to be caught up in the drama/romance. I'd like the domineering ML and the antagonist (final boss) as partners, for the OGFL to have personal growth and end up with the gentle psychopath ML since he actually cares about her. Overall I find myself taking everything as seriously as the FL. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I started reading this when it didn’t have as many chapters and re-reading it as well as many other reincarnation,Isekai, transmigration, or villainess type stories. Some things I noticed right away, the reader actually gets to see a glimpse of what the villainess was like in action before memories from another life or soul comes in. The parents don’t treat their children equally, wonder if Kyle’s bio parents were pressured or sold him to FL’s family, the parents are very much minor villains but listen to FL which doesn’t make them the worst of the worst. It’s enjoyable seeing FL discover her happiness and for those around her to see what was hidden away.

I read a lot of comments before reading, I still really like the villainess isekai stories so I read through the torturous moments. And what I realize is I’ve seen quite a few where they are the cause of their own suffering at times with the dedication to a doomed fate. What I like is when they take matters into their own hands, couldn’t they exhaust every resource, train, and protect what they love instead of stating over and over again this for the best. While suffering in silence, I’d go down fighting since surely I’m going to make my happiness happen. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ


I glanced over some later chapters and wondered why couldn’t they stick with the villainess and the ML prince being each other’s true one like the Otome and bring problems from there? I just think there was some real potential that missed…but I’ll still read and complain since I’m a glutton for punishment. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Just me ranting...

The fact that the FL already played through so many endings is amazing and her willingness to play yet another so soon. I wouldn't have the patience or attention span, then she tried the genuinely nice route for awhile to no effect. I love extra/unlock-able/special characters like Nathan I know he's 1000x better than Regis, I hate that his mom died from sheer hopelessness at trying to heal her son. Did his father not attempt to find a cure and support them? The fact that FL rolled up in Nathan's room after be rejected 2x and said I have the cure touch me...I don't know how Id get him to believe me but I wouldn't have thought of that, then they have sex due to an what?!? (It was consensual and interesting). I didn't like the contract marriage yet again, can't we date with serious consideration for marriage, maybe start off engaged and get to know each other? change it up a little...Oh well I like it.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Spoiler and ranting ahead…

I think the plot is interesting, the FL has some strange incurable disease and knows when she’ll die and the OGML was written as a gentle knight that is “always” caring towards others even over his own needs/wants. When I read the title and summary I thought the FL would treat him terribly out of grief/anger that she was about to die after being transported to another world, slowly his morality would erode and he’d become more villainous. Nope, turns out his parents did some preventive conditioning so that he wouldn’t become I guess someone who treated everyone as an enemy with his guard-up or a sociopath. OGML has repressed his emotions/thoughts to the point where he ain’t sure what he wants nor if he has any aspirations. The OGFL had a rose-glass tinted love story with the OGML without getting to the root of who he was…at least the FL whose doomed to die realizes his words don’t match his feels. The people the OGML helps also are unappreciative and seem wasteful, they’d be at a loss for sure if he is true to his repressed self or can no longer maintain his conditioning. It made me sad that no one wants his true self but the FL, but like he said since she’s given up what will he do? I’m thinking he’ll offer someone else’s life/magic to cure her if her family wasn’t able to find one. I find his mask of “gentle knight” much more interesting then him actually being one.

I like some aspects of this storyline, her initial conviction to change her doomed fate and change the way people see her. FL does well with the knowledge she has from the OG novel, but what gets so frustrating is how there are obvious changes and there’s still thoughts about the same things happening out of nowhere. Like this is your reality now get it through your thick skull! ヽ(`Д´)ノ


I mean the reference again to Roselia being house Chade’s fury instead of weakness makes me worry if anything happens to her or that baby all hell will break lose. Also, I love the wholesomeness while thinking that it actually hurts Roselia more not to have some basic self-defense or poison tolerance. I mean it was already said that her nervous system was even worse since she had no poison tolerance like her husband and son. And I get the new family member not going through the same inhumane treatment but I hope the overprotection doesn’t lead to more misfortune. And Ein’s love story really is taking a back seat. ( ̄へ ̄)

Further ranting….

Usually the novels, comics, or books are more detailed. It may have not been much to add more to this kidnapping scene to make it even more devastating. The anger and sadness was still coming as well as the hopelessness. I wanted to skake or beat some sense into these stupid people, especially since Edith wanted so desperately to believe in the FL. I mean I appreciate people not suddenly changing just because the “villainess” changes for the better. And I get that the author/main storyline has control over the main characters. The OGML has been finding OGFL suspicious but the “love” for her overrides anything and everything else which actually puts him in more of a villain role or actually somewhat a death-note, or sad minion role (no way the author loves their characters treating them like this all these cycles or rebirth). It reminds me that Killian had those subliminal messaging of Edith being a snake, lavish spender, and liar but this Edith made him actually want to put into the work to counter/question the programming in his head even if it easier to go along with it. ╥﹏╥

I get what others are saying…

I see why people were saying this storyline was confusing. First of all the suicide part on the divine being/god part didn’t make since FL wasn’t trying to kill herself which makes me wonder how many other afterlives are messed up in that world. I really like the cute bodyguard with hetercromia, wish he had a backstory. Also, FL wasn’t given much to work with seeing as she knows nothing about the new world she’s in. But she lost points with me when clearly you don’t know who you can trust why leave your bodyguard outside, and why have sexual advances towards someone who hates you. Now you look like a complete fool since he was raped/sexually assaulted by the emperor. I like a clever/sassy system but not one that doesn’t prepare the person who’s clueless.

Some questions for those who have read...

I skipped ahead before reading all the way through and it seems like she gets along with some of the guys depicted on the cover, but this (as much as I'd like it too) may not ever be a reverse harem. Or it may take a super long time? Does this have a single LI? Is there good plot and development?

TheChilliest created a topic of A Changed Man

Rape is not okay, some people like rape foreplay/fantasy but there is consent involved. So far, first impressions…

One thing I realized from the beginning the three MCs are all victims one way or another. The FL was only conceived as a tool of her mom never receiving any affection except from her “brother” who seemed to be sexually assaulted by her mom. He couldn’t take it anymore and seemed to turn into a serial killer of women, the knight is in the servant—master position of being a substitute for her “brother.” Of course in these type of stories there is nothing in place to protect children/people from abuse or centers for treatment. No doubt there would be psychological damage, it would be better if we saw some healing within the smut, how the FL overhauls the system and protects other children like her and her brother.

Some venting ahead...

I'm glad that after all these chapters those triplets hatched, I'm not sure about the passage of time or how long pregnancy lasts in this world but it's been forever. I get that differences on the smallest level will be grounds for prejudice and discrimination of the highest levels, but it really killed some of the joy. And wouldn't this be the time to start getting people use to half-beasts, I mean everyone in this world has elements of other animals or are more human-like, actually it would make more sense to ostracize the beasts that look more human. Since the FL started movements on improving lives what about slowly integrating civil rights, I also expect that the "half-beasts" would grow tired of living hidden from others and start living unashamedly. I know they began from a curse but why should they change who they are? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Just a little venting and praising…

The FL did mourn her and the previous owner of her body’s past but she didn’t wonder the whole time whether or not she could alter the main storyline instead she took actions that would ensure her safety and began paving a path towards happiness. The OG FL is adorable and the rest of her family was worth winning over! I’m not even irritated, just cursing the FL’s and previous body owner’s scummy fathers and hope they and her brother and sister feel powerless and valueless as she felt. (︶︿︶)=凸

Just some thoughts ahead….

I read some comments before reading and I’m at 13 ch. at the moment. I can see why many people love the 2nd ml. I thought some things that aren’t typically seen: FL isn’t going on and on about how she’s got an inescapable fate and can’t can’t fully enjoy or live life in a new world, her dedication to helping the main couple was cute, and not being delusional about ML’s sociopathic tendencies, constant craving for entertainment, and warped view of love that most likely came from whatever conditioning he went through to get to where he is now. I think she could’ve ended any hopes with 2ml early but he knew that her and ml were already falling in love they “just hadn’t realized it yet.”

TheChilliest created a topic of Altruistic Warrior

I love this quote from Kellian, “a fiery love isn’t bad we’ll burn up together until nothings left” ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄