"Oh nothing honey, I'm just thinking of marrying your aunt"
This went way beyond my expectations, especially the ending of the chapter.
I'm so done with this. I honestly wanna drop it really bad but I just can't do it after almost 300 chaps. Gonna see in how much deeper shit this is gonna fall.
Really i'm just keeping at it to see how ridiculous this is gonna be.
I'm amazed at myself for liking this manga at the beginning. Wow.

Let's bet: Rui brought in the marriage contract for him and Hina to get married.
There should be no reason for Rui to marry Natsuo now and break the promise to get married only after Hina wakes up. I feel like Rui wants him to marry Hina so that if something ever happens to Rui or if she isn't near when there's an emergency, Natsuo is legally tied to Hina and can take care of her in matters like hospitals, consent signing and such.
And I honestly feel like throwing up.

I honestly liked the story at the beginning, and that's why I kept on reading, but i definitely don't like how the author treated the characters.
I feel like Natsuo never really loved Rui, deep in his heart. I get the feeling he ALWAYS had lingering feelings for Hina and that ultimately let her go only because the whole thing was becoming unbearable and Rui was an easier option to rely on. He loves Rui like a sister (with benefits, at some point) but his heart is always with Hina, and.. Bah. I don't like it.
I love Rui's character and I'm really angry at how she's been mistreated through the whole manga.
So I actually hope they won't get married (even if it's too late now, since they have a kid) and go separate ways, but i also don't want Natsuo to be with Hina because of how insensitive of Rui they were all the time.
I really hoped things got settled once and for all and then the accident happened.
I don't even know what i hope for the ending, but i guess I'm majorly hoping for Rui not to suffer any more. She doesn't deserve it at all.
She ultimately deserves to be happy.
With Kajita, hopefully.
"All this time I've forced myself not to look at you that way"
So you're finally admitting you never actually cared about Rui other than her being a sister for you. Damn, hearing it out loud makes me wanna throw up. I'm glad Rui stepped back, she deserves way better and I really hope she'll enter in a relationship with Kajita.
Ew. Ew. Eeeeewww.
It couldn't have been worse than this.