I feel like that the main problem with this story is the pacing. It's like the author just wants to rush to hari's and eugene's relationship so they just literally dumb information onto us. We see nothing DEVELOP. Suddenly she close to her brothers suddenly she living with new people suddenly she back home. PLEASE let us see this development. Everything is so rush that I can't even enjoy the story. Yet I dont dont see anyone else complaining about the pacing of this story. Is it only me? (=・ω・=)

So... I attempted to read this story like years ago, and i couldnt get through it because the story didnt follow the typical yaoi plot. But now that I'm revisting this story, I must say that I slept on this. Like damn... this shit is so good that I read all the chapters in under two hours. I cant wait till someone pick this up and complete the story.
Fucking awesome story. Automatically entering my top ten of fav stories.