Like the sex was hot asf, but I feel like it shouldn't had happened. Jace had just went through a traumatic experience where he got raped just to protect his young master. Instead of just fucking him, the duke should had held back. I don't care if Jace was suffering from an aphrodisiac, what he needed wasn't sex but some comfort. Something that could had eased his mind from such a traumatic thing. Like for example, instead of fucking Jace the duke could had held Jace in his arms, providing comfort to Jace who had just went through some troubling shit. Basically, to sum this up, the duke thought with his dick and not his mind. Our Jace deserves better.

Is there anyway to read the other group's translation? Like I'm thankful that this person translated this chapter but I prefer the other's group translation better. I wish to read good translations that take time instead of bad translations that come out quickly. To be honest, the translation can make or break a story.
Why is this so good????