To me it sound as more like Young Hwa likes the real him. The seme hides behind his makeup and his other persona. And Young Hwa is saying he loves him just the way he is there is no reason why he should hide behind the wigs and what not. So he doesn’t mind him wearing makeup and stuff it’s just he does it because he is hiding from himself. That Is what I’m getting but how do others think about what Young Hwa meant.

LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT RAPE, RAAAAPE, isn’t the same as cheating. If you are attacked, or it was not consented, or you were ASLEEP, or DRUNK, if you didn’t say yes, or agree to it, then that is not cheating. Now I can understand the characters shame and “guilt” and fearfulness. But he should no at the end of the day he was loyal to Yuma he didn’t cheat but was a VICTIM. Silence is not consent. Period
Ngl uke was freaking out about his fantasies I FANTASIZE ALL THE TIME I’m like what’s the issue. Sometimes I make a fake fight in my head and then mix the details up with the real fight. It be like that sometimes idk nothing to break up with yo manz over.