Bunch of people hates jihyun but my heart hurts for him. Jihyun loves chiwoo like crazy. All the blame should not be put to him. Chiwoo should have been clear to jihyun in the first place. I want them to reconcile and get back together but well... obviously it wont happen. T_T

bro it’s so true that chiwoo should’ve been clear when addressing his feelings towards jihyun. however, i don’t feel bad for him in the slightest because of his actions. it doesn’t matter if he was upset because chiwoo didn’t return his love, he ended up hurting chiwoo again and again to the point where he’s literally scared to make a friend :,)

I agree! Jihyun definitely has some wrongs he needs to right, but the worst thing is that people think he’s a murderer and he was framed for it because his reputation made him an easy scapegoat. He also thought he made it painfully obvious to Chiwoo about his feelings but Chiwoo purposely ignored them... jihyun should’ve told the truth like Kyujin did. but honestly if Chiwoo knew he should’ve done something too. Jihyun snapping and hurting Chiwoo like that was way out of line, but I still feel for him. I ache when he gets hurt bc his life truly isn’t the best for him. His dad wants to get rid of him, no one sees him as someone likable, and all he wants is for the person he loves to love him back... :(

But i mean, they couldn´t have normal relationship anyway. Not when Jihyun beats a crap of someone just for saying they like Chiwoo. Like I don´t think Chiwoo would be able to live with him. The fact that Jihyun loves him doesn´t make his actions right. And i mean, even when you make your feeling obvious, you should still say it properly. Than it would give Chiwoo some ultimatum and not beating a crap out of him instead.

Well... chiwoo clearly knew that jihyun has feelings for him and he somehow knows that jihyun has some anger management issues most especially when it comes to him. So he couldve helped jihyun if only theyve cleared up everything... oh well we can't really do anything bout this since its what the author wants to happen.
Me reading this just shuts off my mind about them being brothers and the other guy being minor. I just think of them as not blood related and in the legal age. So disregarding all those. The story is nice at the beginning but it escalated so quickly. Them falling inlove so fast is just not my cup of tea.