I've read this manga when it was uploaded to this site and it's still ongoing but I forgot the title...
about 2 highschool boys whose both name is Kazunari but they have opposite characteristics. The other one is dull and unpopular so he is called the 'lame Kazunari'. The other one is cool, popular and good looking so he is called the 'cool Kazunari"
They are both gay and are bestfriends. The 'cool Kazunari' secretly likes the 'dull Kazunari' and later offers him to become sex friends
who do you think is the top? uncle or the younger guy?
it's obviously the younger guy :'> they did have a talk mentioned that
Nooooo it’s definitely the uncle wth
whut :'>> I'm not kidding :'> they said it here :'>
red head wants to try being the bottom but uncle flat out said no :'>
highly doubt it cuz if I remember correctly, they've already slept with each other. I can't remember which chapter though