LegendarySavage's feed

I hate the doctor with a passion. Not because he's a third wheel, but because he reminds me of everything I hate about shitty bosses.

He doesn't respect professional boundaries, he expects everyone to bend over backwards to what he wants, and he is ridiculously selfish.

I don't care if he hasn't "done much damage" he should know his responsibilities as a boss. He should accommodate his people, not the other way around.

Not to mention, he's the type to ruin things for everyone simply because he thinks his experience is everyone's experience. And giving unsolicited advice on relationships? You sound like my ex boss that I want to kill so badly.

The way he doesn't respect everyone's time make me want to choke him. People have lives. It's not their fucking fault you're a miserable piece of shit.

Don't project your issues or trauma to someone else. Get a fucking grip and do your job as a boss. Stupid ass bitch.