Anybody know the name I the manga from the first page?

It's Biribiri Yankee Hamerarete Masu.
Anybody know the name I the manga from the first page?
It's Biribiri Yankee Hamerarete Masu.
This is a masterpiece. The execution and the build up of the story was done well. Not to mention the author basically explained their relationship in a nutshell with the uke’s dialogue. Some of you just dont appreciate it because you are looking for the romance that was never there to begin with. Fabian did not love Nathaniel at all and Nathaniel was logical enough to realize that. He stressed out the fact that their relationship is purely physical. I honestly dont get why people would not be able to understand this story when it is at its simplest form. You can understand it better compared to all the yaois where logic does not exist.
This is a manhwa this can never be appreciated since artists would usually have to cater to the wants of the readers which is “romance” and sex. I salute the author for being brave enough to illustrate a beautiful story like this in this type of community. I would honestly love to read a novella version of this.
This is honestly a breath of fresh air since it has that short story vibe or even a short film. Adding a continuation will only ruin the manhwa since the open ending suits wellfor the tone the manhwa has.
Well, we actually don’t know if Fabian ever loved Nathanial and what Fabian’s upbringing was really like. The first scene shows an orphanage and it states that Fabian is a benefactor of it. The woman also spoke fondly of him and said she hasn’t seen him in a while. She spoke like she knows him which could indicate that he grew up in that orphanage. Fabian’s feelings for Nathanial are not clear since we only got the POV of Nathanial and he barley knows anything about him. I like the open ending since it’s open for interpretation but I would’ve also liked to know more about them.
I agree with you. TOTALLY
I wouldn't say it's brilliant, but I rather like the ending.
Yeah, it's alright. But not something I would call a masterpiece. Plot is lacking somehow.
Not much of a plot. No one changes. It's just a lot of coerced sex with nothing really about their backgrounds (and the brother is almost not even there at all). It's basically sex with an ending twist.
It’s not coerced sex but prostitution. The seme offered money/support in exchange for sex.
The seme offered a deal with the brother for the younger brother. The younger brother didn't want to sleep with the guy at frst, and said that more than once. And he never fell for him. He did it due to the coercion of the deal to save his gang. Holding power and money over someone for sex is still coercion, and in some situations would be called rape. Now, considering the seme didn't keep his side of the bargain and betrayed the gang, that's even more reason to see it as a power play and not mutual consent in the full sense. The seme is a shit. The brother is a shit. And mafiosos are shits. But the brother was essentially SOLD...but the sale was not followed up (ie, the seme stuck a knife in the back of the deal party)
It’s still prostitution. Coercion is when one persuades an unwilling person with force or threats. The seme offered money and support in exchange for sex. He didn’t threaten anyone. They took the deal. The seme betraying them (which I’m not really sure even happened since we only got the ukes POV which was very limited and not factual) is not relevant to my point in it not being coercion. Still shitty if he really did that but we can only assume and yeah they all are shady mafia scum.
Lol if someone can't choose freely and their decision is affected by external factor then it's coercion. The support is probably just a way for the seme to justify his own actions "at least he got money after I raped him, I ain't so bad after all".
Prostitution would benefit the whore--and in this case, he didn't get a direct benefit. He essentially was a commodity, exchanged by the brother to the CEO. A prostitute (if not pimped and controlled) can choose partners and gets benefit and it's over. This was not OVER. He was "owned." That's slavery.
Exactly. He was coerced (brother and loyalty on one side, because you can't really say no to the gang Boss when ordered to do something; seme on the other who pulled strings to get the brother to issue the order)
Every decision you have ever made is influenced by an external factor. I’m not saying it’s not bad of him to even do that, I’m just saying that it’s not coercion. I don’t like it when terms like rape and coercion are misused to underline the seriousness of a topic. And a prostitute is still a prostitute if they get pimped out by someone else. (I’m not defending any character’s actions)
Depending on what you mean by external factor. Prostitution may exist, but I can only agree that it isn't coercion if he decides without being threatened by other things (which in this case is his family and gang). Without this factor, he's less likely to consent to any transactional sex with him.
Semantics. Most of us are free to have sex or NOT with whom we wish, barring coercion or rape. He clearly had factors that amount to coercion. He went as far as kill himself to 1. get revenge and 2. get out of the man's powerful grasp. He literally would have been made a prisoner, unable to leave that man's house/room. That's where this was going.
Did you ever work with women who were pimped? I've had dealings with them (jail system). Those women are most certainly controlled by violence, in some cases drug provision and violence, some cases emotional with a mix of violence and drugs. They are NOT free agents (even if they sometimes think they are). Just ask them how easy it would be to WALK AWY from the pimp.
YES. FINALLY. I was only seeing so many comments about people not liking it but this short manhwa was 1000000x better than most of the manga I’ve read out there that had plenty of pages. Just how deep the author made this story. And the EXPRESSIONS. I love how realistic they are. *chef kiss*