Yea unfortunately. He drags him and makes him sit on his lap again then almost kisses him. jjm.n
OoOoo I'm so mad he better be around red head then to show black hair ur now worse than red head or somth nv liked black hair so he better get hurt emotionally or physically hurt real good now!
Yea unfortunately. He drags him and makes him sit on his lap again then almost kisses him. jjm.n
OoOoo I'm so mad he better be around red head to show black hair ur now worse than red head or somth! nv liked black hair so he better get hurt emotionally or physically like hurt hurt real good!
OoOoo I'm so mad he better be around red head then to show black hair ur now worse than red head or somth nv liked black hair so he better get hurt emotionally or physically hurt real good now! Franki_x22
Hyunwoos behavior is wrong rn but no way is he worse than hyungjoo(redhead) since hyungjoo literally was getting iltak more drunk just so he can rape him during that school trip.
Hyunwoos behavior is wrong rn but no way is he worse than hyungjoo(redhead) since hyungjoo literally was getting iltak more drunk just so he can rape him during that school trip. jjm.n
U don't know me!
If I don't like u! I will nv like u!! I don't care wtf gose on ill nv like black hair but I was changing my mind about i was gonna give black hair a brake but honestly I wouldn't just to spite u
But that's being childish he's not as worse as red head but at least red heads trying to fix himself or stop idk but I couldn't delete the messages after being less mad bec idk how
What's worse ur bully u still hate being a bit nicer or someone who liked u was nice a bit until u rejected him so he decided to make u do something that makes u uncomfortable and violated after he helped get rid of all of it
Yea unfortunately. He drags him and makes him sit on his lap again then almost kisses him.
OoOoo I'm so mad he better be around red head then to show black hair ur now worse than red head or somth nv liked black hair so he better get hurt emotionally or physically hurt real good now!
OoOoo I'm so mad he better be around red head to show black hair ur now worse than red head or somth! nv liked black hair so he better get hurt emotionally or physically like hurt hurt real good!
Hyunwoos behavior is wrong rn but no way is he worse than hyungjoo(redhead) since hyungjoo literally was getting iltak more drunk just so he can rape him during that school trip.
U don't know me!
If I don't like u! I will nv like u!! I don't care wtf gose on ill nv like black hair but I was changing my mind about i was gonna give black hair a brake but honestly I wouldn't just to spite u
But that's being childish he's not as worse as red head but at least red heads trying to fix himself or stop idk but I couldn't delete the messages after being less mad bec idk how
What's worse ur bully u still hate being a bit nicer or someone who liked u was nice a bit until u rejected him so he decided to make u do something that makes u uncomfortable and violated after he helped get rid of all of it