Since the translations are not yet that good (I meant maybe a 3/5), I'll just look at the art and just reread the relevant chapters from the novel haha

Agree. I read Google translate and feel more connect with the story. I was hoping the art style to be a little rustic like medieval style giving a serious styles since the story is about romantic and civil revolution. Hope the art not only forcus on characters but the world itself too. However, the manhwa moved fast and skimmed through lots of that descriptions. It also gave alot of light bright background which made it like a bright romantic adventure story vibe instead of revive and correct revolution history style.

Exactly. Yuder had put a lot of thoughts into /everything/ and I feel like that's missing.. like we're in ch6/7 rn where he picks what division he wants to go but wasn't that only around chapter 80? I mean I might get this number wrong by an awful lot but it just feels like so much happened in the novel bcs of all the information we received.

After 17 chapters, I now understand why the father emperor had to be cold to Etienne. Did Etienne deserve it? No, our baby boy deserves to be loved. The emperor is a good emperor for all that he's trying to do, but he's definitely a piss poor father. I wish he thought about raising Etienne away from the empress, but instead what he thought was to bring in another child to use as a pawn against her wife's own pawn. Honestly, both Etienne and Rishar deserved so much more. I understand why everything had to happen but I'm not happy about it. ;(( Okay, rant over.

I do agree with all of you saying Yugeon deserves better. Yes, he does. He deserves the world and heaven and everything else. But I think the 4 potential MLs also had so much darkness done to them that they all broke, and broken people tend to break others too. Unless something happens to heal them, it'll just be a vicious cycle. Personally I think Shinje is endgame because I think they'll need to save each other from themselves. I don't want it to be a real harem where he falls in love with all of them lol
My god I need to know what happens next now I CAN'T WAIT
It does not.. but you can check out raws..