The new guy from the convenience store has so much potentiel, he is tall, long hair can look good and he even knows how to fight and has a good body
He just has to take a shower, shave and stop acting like a neckbeard and he could be successful with women #-.-)
I hope he joins the group and becomes friend with red hair guy
Lets not bringing back the controversy please, people who were mad made it clear months ago, now that its coming back with another arc, people who hate this manhwa, please leave and just let people who enjoys it read
no cause yall need to stop trying to sweep undrr the rug the mircoagressions made by the author that just got a slap on the wrist
what was a slap on the wrist lmao, the serie got discontinued on webtoon EN and more and the authors had to desert their medias cuz they got thousands of insults and threats tf you mean sweep under the rug when it caused a whole ass scandal a few months ago
im just saying its done now, EN readers and most people outside korea cant even support them legally anymore, are you going to continue to follow and come here insulting the manhwa every week until it’s finished? cant you move on with your life?
no because at the end of the day the author is still racist and made money off a chapter that acts like black people are the racist bullies to the level of abuse to asian people when its not true
so what are you gonna do? come back every Monday posting your hainous comment giving the manhwa visibility until it’s finished?