i understand pado’s hurt over haeil cutting him off over a rumor but without any context of what exactly it is i can’t help but think it’s extremely petty to hold something against a mistake that took place years ago by a teenager like you’re full grown adults now let it go. and it’s crazy cause why is he doing all this just to picture haeil while having sex w a woman like ik ur ass is lying when u said you moved on. can haeil catch a break between disappearing and handling a man with temper tantrums already

although i don't agree with those who believed what they had was one-sided with takeo not going through the typical angst and chasing arc that most stories have, i still do wish we could've gotten more of them and their development :( we've merely only seen their story blooming from wako's pov, i would have loved seeing takeo pining and his emotions as well; i'm crossing my fingers for another volume with them in university
now, we all know you do NOT want her to do whatever she wants pado bffr