Anyone read the raw for c 47? Is there anything new information worth noticing? I love how this webtoon is dialogue-heavy but yeah it's also a hindrance to read the raw since I don't understand Korean :((

From what I can tell the main story points are:
1. Eunjae informs the gang of Hwan probably being involved with his parent's death, which we already knew. 704 seems contemplative at this information. EJ also wants GS to bring him his parent's photograph.
2. GS's convo with Yama, roughly seems like GS is going to deal with Hwan soon. GS tells Yama to take 704 because he's at his house. And to keep him safe and well until he comes back.
Other fun points:
-Character profiles from KR Lezhin mention that 704 loves San's cooking. So it's funny seeing him hovering around San when he cooks.
-Everyone wants 704 to put his pants on. EJ stands back and notes that 704's legs are very white lol.

why does this only have a 8.6 rating? it totally deserves to be higher!

I mean it might work you for you but outside of the confines of a fictional manga the lawyer’s personality is very offputting to read. He’s extremely rude, pushy, emotionally insensitive, and socially inept. And for someone who’s a lawyer those are really bad people skills more so when you’re dealing with people at sometimes their most difficult times everyday. It’s like a doctor with terrible bedside manners. It’s no surprise he wouldn’t last in a marriage, you’d have to be a saint to put up with someone like that long term. He’s just very unlikable. Granted seme’s will get a pass for anything they do.

And why yes I’ve been told I am a lovely conversationalist. What because I’m not jumping for joy over a character that has the bare minimum of personality traits for me to continue to enjoy means I’m exaggerating? What because this character is a dime a dozen that makes him all the more special because he’s less an asshole than the next one? That is some low standards logic. Lol you like this type of story so be it, that is what entertains you and keeps you engaged, my level of appreciation shouldn’t be this much of bother to your enjoyment as it clearly seems to be. If you want to personally take this as an attack on your character that your issue.

You just love really writing essays don't you. I'll take that as a yes on bitching about nothing. Why do I get the feeling you're going to continue reading it and still complain about it all the way through. You seem like the type that likes to hate read things. I just said he wasn't that bad. And you somehow started insinuating things about my choice in romantic partners all because of that. Isn't that what you would call an attack on my character?

They didn't even talk to you, and you felt the urge to meddle in.
They only said something about the character, and you got all upset like a little child just because it was a different opinion as yours. Not only that. You are also totally rude without manners. You aren't able to lead a conversations by remaining objective. You should really grow up, and look at yourself before you throw shit at others. Also, bad news for you. That dude is an an asshole, and behaves differently only when his libido and ego are involved. You have it black on white. Don't need to say otherwise. Take care.

You still wanna bring this shit up? The dude isn't an asshole he's just kind of cold. You and the other idiot keep calling this guy an asshole just for being mildly rude. You seem to label any character that isn't cheerful and super nice as being an asshole. Jesus christ there are so many assholes in the world both real or fictional. Why are you losing your shit over this one guy that's completely harmless? I commented because that other girl was exaggerating and making a big deal out of nothing. Then they insulted my preference in romantic partners. How was I not going to get anniyed?

author has another short story related to Yamato's parents and Yukio's dad. it's also really good.

seems like the link above missed something. i fixed it though! it should work now https://myreadingmanga.info/katsura-komachi-ashita-sekai-ga-owarunara-eng-pura-bin/

The Speaker really transcends the yaoi genre, especially in the later chapters. The author did their research work about the financial industry carefully, which impressed me very much. I wasn't a big fan of polyamorous relationship but this story really changed me. Hope that the official english translation will eventually catch up!

https://www.rightstufanime.com/Canis-Dear-Mr-Rain-Manga i think they'll translate the story in actually volumes. The first one (about the hatter) is coming up in August. I guess it'll gonna take some times before they can release The Speaker in English.

https://foreveryoung17.com/muc-luc-canis-the-speaker-zakk/ there's this site in vietnamese that has up to date raws
i wish there is another volume of this story!