Bruh stay out of it. You keep reacting to bits of info u get without knowing the whole ctc like- what can u ACTUALLY do about it other than messing more things up?? Stop embarrassing urself. Ur not even family just a step in heir like SRSLY WHO ARE U TO MEET MY COUPLE WITH DISSATISFACTION. Let the family drama be amongst themselves... They'll figure it out in time. Don't u dare try butting in head first

Ayeeee idk what hurtful backgrounds u got making u hate confessions DON'T U EVER CRUSH MY BOY'S HEART
u took all his first and now u're BEING THE FIRST TO NOT LET HIM CONFESS?? idk about him being rejected but this is surely the first time he meets someone who REFUSE to listen for whatv reasons he has.
N it's going on hiatus too I regret finding this too soon
Oh, pleaseee fatherr. He went so far as to recover the burnt notes and perfecting all that went wrong around the house and probably over did it already so can't you just give them the green light?? He's basically ready to die for your son, almost did!! Not that it's a good thing but let them beeeeee